
Simple setup for nexus with docker compose, instructions for getting working for docker offline

Used as a guide: https://blog.sonatype.com/using-nexus-3-as-your-repository-part-3-docker-images

Create volume: docker volume create --name nexus-data

run: docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build

Get password by running: docker run --rm -it -v nexus-data:/volume -w /volume ubuntu:20.04

the password file is in the base of the directory

Create nexus blobs: docker-external docker-private docker-group

Create hosted nexus docker repositories check http port: docker-external 8083 docker-private 8084

Created group nexus docker repository check http port: docker-group 8082

Set docker demon json file to, use own name of server/machine: { "registry-mirrors": [ "" ], "insecure-registries": [ "", "", "" ], "debug": true, "experimental": false }

restart docker

login on client: docker login docker login docker login

Tag images with external repo: docker tag ubuntu:20.04

Push to repo: docker push

Pull from repo: docker pull

Note right now the registry-mirrors is not working

close: docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" down