
Example of how to write a unit test which creates an injectable mock for a custom validator

Primary LanguageJava


This a simple example of how to write a unit test which creates an injectable mock for a custom validator. It also mocks a custom validator faking that validation occurred.

To inject a mock into a custom validator

Create an annotation for your custom validation

Create a constraint validator

Code the validator and include any dependencies you need

Next add an instance of LocalValidatorFactoryBean to your context

public LocalValidatorFactoryBean validator() {
	return new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();

Create an instance of the validation annotation

private String userName;

Next create a test, auto wire in the Validator and add a mockito @MockBean containing the dependencies the validator requires

private Validator validator;

private IUserUtils userUtils;

Ensure your validator is in the configuration of the test

@ContextConfiguration(classes= {ValidationConfiguration.class})

Write your test while mocking the validators dependencies!