
(Forked) Gradle plugin for automating assembly of OSGi/Eclipse bundles and applications

Primary LanguageGroovyMIT LicenseMIT

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Build Status Release Snapshot License


Wuff is a gradle plugin for developing and assembling OSGi/Eclipse applications and plugins independently of Eclipse-IDE. If you are familiar with Eclipse Tycho, then think of Wuff as a gradle-based alternative.

What's new ⭐

Version 0.0.25 (unofficial release)

  • added Eclipse Photon SDK (4.8.0) as default configuration

Version 0.0.24 (unofficial release)

  • fixed 'No value has been specified for property pluginCustomization' warning.
  • added Eclipse Oxygen 2 SDK (4.7.2) as default configuration

Version 0.0.23 (unofficial release)

  • added Eclipse Neon 2 SDK (4.6.2) as default configuration
  • reverted Groovy and Spock to 2.3

Version 0.0.22 (unofficial release)

Includes fixes relevant to Gradle 3.0.

  • fixed GroovyRuntimeException - Cannot cast object '[configuration]' with class 'java.util.ArrayList' to class 'org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection'
  • fixed Manifest.writeTo(Writer) has been deprecated warning
  • upgraded Groovy and Spock to 2.4

Version 0.0.21 (unofficial release)

  • added Eclipse Mars 2 SDK (4.5.2) as default configuration
  • fixed an extension point generation issue for user classes starting with View, e.g., ViewSomething.java.
  • added skipRequireBundle and skipImportPackage wuff configurations. Use these 2 to exclude certain entries from the generated MANIFEST.MF file.

Version 0.0.20

  • introduced publicLib configuration for eclipse bundles and applications.

Version 0.0.19

  • implemented consistent interpretation of 'provided' configuration: all artifacts in provided are visible at compile-time, but excluded from application bundles

  • introduced requireBundle mechanism for wrapped libs

Version 0.0.18

  • Using unpuzzle 0.0.22, which incorporates pull request "ArchiveUnpacker now preserves "executable" permissions in Tar and Zip" ( akhikhl/unpuzzle#8 )

Where to start?

How to use Wuff?

  • Maven artifacts: 'org.akhikhl.wuff:wuff-plugin:+' at jcenter and maven central.
  • Source code: compile, explore, deploy.

See more information on prerequisites and usage wiki page.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2014-2015 (c) Andrey Hihlovskiy and contributors

All versions, present and past, of Wuff are licensed under MIT license.

Support via Gittip