Landing pages created by me

In this folder I will be creating several landing pages with tailwind, to test some theories and see how to implement landing page designs from various figma files

I used a lot of CDN links here to make it simple for anyone who is going to read it or re-use


For CSS instead of writing plain CSS, I opted for using Tailwind CSS, To further my learning of tailwind and I won't lie it was fun

CDN code for Tailwind

<script src=""></script>
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

code for dark mode

    tailwind.config = {
        darkMode: 'class', /* class/media, here we use class to enable manually dark mode */

AOS animate on scroll

I used this to animate most of the landing pages

CDN code for AOS

<!-- animate on scroll library -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

<script src=""></script>

More to come has I learn more on tailwind and the act of landing page making

copyright akintola @2024