A booted ops-manager plus a whole BOATLOAD of other goodies, including:
- Friendly DNS entries brought to you by Route53
- An RDS
- A VPC, with security groups
- A whole mess of s3 buckets (5 in total - for all your storage needs)
- An amazing NAT Box
- An IAM User
We have have other terraform templates to help you!
This list will be updated when more infrastructures come along.
brew update
brew install terraform
- AmazonEC2FullAccess
- AmazonRDSFullAccess
- AmazonRoute53FullAccess
- AmazonS3FullAccess
- AmazonVPCFullAccess
- AmazonIAMFullAccess
- AmazonKMSFullAccess
You can choose whether you would like an RDS or not. By default we have
set to 0
but setting it to 1 will deploy an RDS.
RDS instances take FOREVER to deploy, keep that in mind.
Copy the stub content below into a file called terraform.tfvars
and put it in the root of this project.
These vars will be used when you run terraform apply
You should fill in the stub values with the correct content.
env_name = "some-environment-name"
access_key = "access-key-id"
secret_key = "secret-access-key"
region = "us-west-1"
availability_zones = ["us-west-1a", "us-west-1c"]
ops_manager_ami = "ami-4f291f2f"
rds_instance_count = 1
dns_suffix = "example.com"
vpc_cidr = ""
ssl_cert = <<EOF
some cert
ssl_private_key = <<EOF
some cert private key
- env_name: (required) An arbitrary unique name for namespacing resources
- access_key (required) Your Amazon access_key, used for deployment
- secret_key: (required) Your Amazon secret_key, also used for deployment
- region: (required) Region you want to deploy your resources to
- availability_zones: (required) List of AZs you want to deploy to
- dns_suffix: (required) Domain to add environment subdomain to
- ssl_cert: (optional) SSL certificate for HTTP load balancer configuration. Required unless
is specified. - ssl_private_key: (optional) Private key for above SSL certificate. Required unless
is specified. - ssl_ca_cert: (optional) SSL CA certificate used to generate self-signed HTTP load balancer certificate. Required unless
is specified. - ssl_ca_private_key: (optional) Private key for above SSL CA certificate. Required unless
is specified. - vpc_cidr: (optional) Internal CIDR block for the AWS VPC. Defaults to
- ops_manager: (default: true) Set to false if you don't want an Ops Manager
- ops_manager_ami: (optional) Ops Manager AMI, get the right AMI according to your region from the AWS guide downloaded from Pivotal Network
- optional_ops_manager: (default: false) Set to true if you want an additional Ops Manager (useful for testing upgrades)
- optional_ops_manager_ami: (optional) Additional Ops Manager AMI, get the right AMI according to your region from the AWS guide downloaded from Pivotal Network
- ops_manager_instance_type: (default: m4.large) Ops Manager instance type
- rds_instance_count: (default: 0) Whether or not you would like an RDS for your deployment
- rds_instance_class: (default: db.m4.large) Size of the RDS to deploy
- rds_db_username: (default: admin) Username for RDS authentication
- create_isoseg_resources (optional) Set to 1 to create HTTP load-balancer across 3 zones for isolation segments.
- isoseg_ssl_cert: (optional) SSL certificate for Iso Seg HTTP load balancer configuration. Required unless
is specified. - isoseg_ssl_private_key: (optional) Private key for above SSL certificate. Required unless
is specified. - isoseg_ssl_ca_cert: (optional) SSL CA certificate used to generate self-signed Iso Seg HTTP load balancer certificate. Required unless
is specified. - isoseg_ssl_ca_private_key: (optional) Private key for above SSL CA certificate. Required unless
is specified.
Note: please make sure you have created the terraform.tfvars
file above as mentioned.
terraform init
terraform plan -out=plan
terraform apply plan
terraform destroy