
LamBot is a bot to automate booking/reservation system. This bot is powered by AWS Lambda and Python Selenium

Primary LanguagePython


LamBot is a bot creation guide to automate booking/reservation system. This bot is powered by AWS Lambda and Python Selenium This bot is a cloud bot using serverless AWS Lambda with Headless Chrome Webdriver along with Selenium


  • AWS Lambda
  • Selenium
  • Python 3.7
  • Linux
  • Docker


  • Create ZIP file for Lambda Layer

    Clone the repo

    chmod +x chrome_headless_lambda_layer.sh
  • AWS Lambda Configuration

    Create a new lambda function

    Create a new lambda function on your AWS Lambda dashboard
    Select python 3.7 as runtime
    Select x86_64 as architecture
    Leave the rest as default value

    Upload layer

    Go to layers menu on the main AWS Lambda dashboard
    Create a new layer
    Select "Upload a .zip file"
    Upload the zip file created from the previous script
    Select python 3.8 as compatible runtimes
    Leave the rest as default/empty

    Configure layer for lambda function

    Go to your lambda function details
    Scroll down and click on 'add a layer'
    Select custom layers
    Select the recently uploaded layers

    Now it is time to upload your Selenium bot script ! (You can upload the test_script.py for testing)

    Upload using Zip file
    Copy paste your code in the editor!
    And finally deploy your code !

More fun

How do i trigger the lambda function ?

Lambda function be triggered in different ways

  • HTTP request
  • New document upload to S3
  • Scheduled Job
  • Etc

How do I automate my lambda function/selenium script?

Easy !

Go to Amazon EventBridge service
Go to rules
Create new rule
Select 'schedule' as Rule type
Add CRON expression (https://crontab.cronhub.io/)
In the target, select AWS service
In the dropdown, select your AWS Lambda function

Done !


  • If you encounter Task timed out after 3.01 seconds error, it is usually related to the memory of your lambda function

    To change your memory allocation, go to configuration > General Configuration > Edit

    And then update your memory accordingly

Bot Use Cases

  • Automate reservation process
  • Web Scrapper
  • Automate testing


  • Please do not exploit the bot
  • This bot may encounter CAPTCHA or any kind of bot prevention, be smart when you write your Selenium script. Change your user agent, add random sleep, etc
  • Last but not least, this repository is for educational purposes only