
Scripts to manipulate gifs by drag-and-drop in masse

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts to manipulate gifs by drag-and-drop in masse

Explanations for beginners:

Requirements: Python


PIL, NUMPY for image manipulation

In cmd.exe

pip install pillow

pip install numpy

Some bash to launch .sh scripts


gifsicle to unoptimize gifs (often source of errors in brute manipulation)


Add gifsicle's folder to your PATH


Download this repository (Clone or download → Download zip) and put it somewhere (unzip it). Open the folder and keep it around so that you can drag-and-drop images onto the scripts.

Scripts and functionalities

Most of the scripts work with simply drag-and-dropping one or several files on them.

Scalers: reduce/reduc/resample.sh

Calling scale_image.py scaling_factor filename

resample\ X4.sh EarthPrincess.gif

Regular size Earth Pricess aura.gifX4 size Earth Pricess aura.gif

redux\ nearest\ 4.sh EarthPrincess_X4.gif

X4 size Earth Pricess aura.gifRegular size Earth Pricess aura.gif

You can rename the redux/resample/reduce bash files to change their scaling factor.

You can drag-and drop multiple files on them.

Palette changer: transfer_palette.py sourceimage targetimage

Palette color source: gloria_robot.gif x Target gif for recoloration: Earth Pricess aura.gifResulting recolored gif with source's palette: Earth Pricess aura_COL_gloria_fidelis.gif

You can only drop two files on this script

The second file can be a folder of .png

Shortcut: generate_palette.py sourceimage

Creates a file sourceimage_palette.sh on which you can directly drop several images that will all be recolored.

The new script will call transfer_palette.py sourceimage otherimage. Good if your images come from different folders!

You can drag-and drop multiple files on this script.

You can drag-and drop multiple files, including folders of .pngs on the script generated by this script.

Shortcut: DAIN_retrieve_interpolation.sh sourcegif

This script will retrieve the .pngs in the sourceimage\interpolated_frames local folder and stich them into a .gif while using sourceimage as a palette source. Just drag-and-drop the source gif onto the script if it is in the same folder as the folder that DAIN created.

Used when working with folders generated by #DAIN-App.

Shortcut: DAIN_retrieve_autopixel4.sh sourcegif

A variation of the previous script that will also automatically pixelise the X4 upscaled output. Great timesaver with all the steps involved!

DAIN_retrieve_autopixel4.sh EarthPrincess_X4.gif

X4 size Earth Pricess aura.gif + DAIN-generated folder =

Interpolated Earth Pricess aura.gifSmall Interpolated Earth Pricess aura.gifPixelated Interpolated Earth Pricess aura.gif

You can drag-and drop multiple files on those scripts.

Background changers: bg_col r g b.sh, bg empty.sh, bg fill empty.sh

Calling change_background.py r g b filename

bg_col\ 255\ 0\ 0.sh march_new.gif

Black background marchRed background march

You can rename the bg_col rgb files to change the color they apply.

bg\ empty.sh march_new.gif

Black background marchRed background march

bg\ fill\ empty.sh march_new.gif

Black background marchRed background march

You can drag-and drop multiple files on those scripts.

Crop/outline: crop_image.py

bordline_1.sh pendulum.gif

PendulumPendulum with outline

bordcrop_0.sh pendulum.gif

PendulumPendulum cropped

bordcrop_1.sh pendulum.gif

PendulumPendulum cropped

You can drag-and drop multiple files on those scripts.

You can change the number in the name to change the border size.

Gif timing changer: RETIME miliseconds.sh

You can drag-and drop multiple files on those scripts.

RETIME 20.sh EarthPrincess.gif

Regular speed Earth Pricess aura.gifSuperspeed Earth Pricess aura.gif

You can copy and rename the RETIME files to change the duration they apply.

RETIME 2d1.sh EarthPrincess.gif

Regular speed Earth Pricess aura.gifTwice slower Earth Pricess aura.gif

You can copy and rename the RETIME files to change the fraction that is multiplied to the existing durations.

Stacker: STACK_gifs.py, STACK-V gifs.sh

If the frame amounts are different, it will duplicate them (as long as it's an integer number).

If the sizes are different, different centering methods will be used.

STACK_gifs.py EarthPrincess.gif gloria_robot.gif

PolarBear_A.gif + EarthPrincess = Two gifs stacked horizontally

STACK-V gifs.sh EarthPrincess.gif gloria_robot.gif

Earth Pricess aura.gif + Gloria Robot = Two gifs stacked vertically

You have to drop several files on those scripts.

The order in which they are stacked is: the one you clicked on first, then by folder order.

Rearanger: rearange_gif.py dx dy dx2 dy2

If the order in which things are stacked is not up to tastes, can easily re-shift the squares by inputing the divisions (width, height) of the source and the result.

rearange_gif.py 1 3 3 1 Examples/PolarBear_A.gif

Starting PolarBear_A gifRearanged PolarBear_A gif

You can copy and edit the separations in the filename to change the way the images are split.

PS3K spritesheet converter: spritesheet_to_gif 3x4.py

Legacy format for a game called Fantasy Online where players could participate in asset-creation.

spritesheet_to_gif\ 3x4.py PolarBear.png

Starting PolarBear spritesheetRearanged PolarBear_A gif

Debugger: _unoptimize_gif.sh, _optimize_gif.sh

Will call gifsicle with the right parameters.

Often, when there is an optimisation bug for a gif, you'll want to unoptimise it (and maybe set its background to a solid color).

It will happen often with PIL.

You can drop several files on those scripts.