
Static Javascript App to record time under tension

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


BetaHangtime is a web application that allows users to analyze rock climbing videos by recording and analyzing their keystrokes as a proxy for hand movements over time. By pressing and holding F (Left Hand) and J (Right hand), users can track their movements and obtain statistics on rock climbs they care about.

Table of Contents


Alt text


  • Real-time movement tracking
  • Detailed statistics on movement duration and frequency
  • Easy sharing of statistics for YouTube and Instagram Comments
  • Export timeseries data to CSV for further analysis


  1. Open the app at betahangtime.askadam.me
  2. Set up window next to a window of a climbing video
  3. Start the climbing video
  4. Start Recording
  5. Press 'F' and 'J' corresponding to when the left and right hand are on the wall
  6. Stop recording
  7. If satisfied with the quality, post statistics into comments
  8. Export data for future reference


  • Pulling on with both hands counts as two moves whereas typically the first move is usually talked about as after establishing on the start.
  • There is a learning curve to this. Try on a short video first.
  • Predicting climbing movement can be tricky, having two climbing windows open with one a little ahead can help but I've found the framerate can drop
  • Reaction time is about 0.2 seconds so differences that are smaller might not be relevant


For any queries or support, please email me at kirosingh@gmail.com or raise an issue on GitHub


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open a pull request or branch from this project.