A full-stack application that allows the user to input cocktail ingredients and receive available recipes in return.
- TypeScript - For type-safe JavaScript
- Next.js - Front-end framework for server-side rendering
- Redux Toolkit - State management tool & fetching and caching API data
- SASS - For scalable and clean CSS
- Golang - For backend
- SQLite - For backend data
- Apache - For backend
- Jest - For testing front-end
- Alex Kist - Frontend - akist529
- Sabrina Tarson - Backend - Caboose700
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- FlatIcon authors: IconDuck, Freepik, Flat Icons, AmethystDesign, surang, BZZRINCANTATION, Triangle Squad, Pause08, imaginationlol, shmai, amonrat rungreangfangsai, DinosoftLabs, rizky maulidhani, Talha Dogar, Smashicons, Flat Icons Design, photo3idea_studio, monkik, Ina Mella, Kanyanee Watanajitkasem, Prosymbols Premium, Aranagraphics, small.smiles
- Liquid effect (for ingredients page) by Dave Quah
- Background pattern by d__raptis [https://www.magicpattern.design/tools/css-backgrounds]
- Drink recipes by their respective authors