
A mini PHP framework

Primary LanguagePHP


Chibi is a mini PHP framework to work on small projects, containing the following elements.


With Chibi its really easy to make your routes

Route to Controller

$router->get('/users', 'App\Controllers\HomeController@views');

Route to closure

$router->post('/user/{user}/{name}', function($user, $name){

A Response & Request instances are allways passed for you out of the box you just need to type hint it

$router->post('/customers', function(Request $request, Response $respone) {

    $name = $request->only('name');
    return $response->withJson([
      'name' => $name


Every Controller used in the app should extends the Chibi\Controller\Controller Controller.


You can pass data from controllers to the view via the view method

    public function views()
        $array = [
        return view('hello', [
            'name' => 'Houssain',
            'age' => 26,
            'array' => $array,

The views are in the View folder with a Chibi.php extenstion.

A simple templete engin is provided.

{{ $name }} is {{ $age}}

<?php $var = 30 ?> 

@when( $age <= 10 )
	You are a kid
@or( $age > 10 )
	You are growing!

@foreach($array as $arr)
	<h1>{{ $arr }}</h1>

<h3>{{ $var }}</h3>


Do you want to protect some routes? To be able to access to it only if some conditions are verified, sure you can do! Just use Hurdles for your routes

Create a Hurdle

A hurdle Object should implement the Wall Interface

namespace App\Hurdles;

use Chibi\Hurdle\Wall;
use Chibi\Request;
use Chibi\Response;

class YearIsCurrent implements Wall{

	public function filter(Request $request, Response $response) {

		if($request->has('year') && $request->only('year') == 2018) {
			return true;

		return false;

Use the Hurdle in the route as follow

$router->get('/users, 'App\Controllers\HomeController@views')->allow(App\Hurdles\YearIsCurrent::class);

Apply a Hurdle for all routes

Well its easy, Just fill the register file in the App\Hurdles Folder

return [
	'Csrf' => Chibi\Hurdle\CSRFTokenable::class,
	'YearIsCurrent' => App\Hurdles\YearIsCurrent::class,

CSRF Token

A CSRFTokenable Hurdle will be run at each POST request to protect you from Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks, you only need to include the @csrf_field in the form, otherwise an Exception will be thrown.

<form action=" <?php echo route('test_csrf') ?>" method="POST">
    <label for="name">Name</label>
    <input type="text" name="name" />
    <input type="submit">

Katana ORM

The Chibi framework is using its simple Katana ORM, simple and easy to use, you don't have to make a lot of effor to handle your Models. for the time being it supports:

  • Model::find($id); // get the model or null
  • Model::findOrFail($id); // get the model or ModelNotFoundException is thrown
  • $model_instance->property = 'new Value'; // set the value
  • $model_instance->property; // get the value
  • $model_instance->update(); // make persist the changes
  • $model_instance->save(); // create a new instance if not exist, otherwise update it
  • $model_instance->delete(); // remove the model
  • Model::destory($ids); // you can pass an id or array of ids to destroy

Authentication system out of the box

With Chibi framework you will do practicaly nothing to build a system of authentication.

Set up the Model

Your Katana model should extend the Authenticated class where you should set up the name of the guard.

namespace App;

use Chibi\Auth\Authenticated;

class User extends Authenticated
    static $table = 'users';

     * The guard name
     * @return string
    function guard(): string
        return 'users';


You can use the following methods:

  • $user->forceLogging(); // To force the selected user to login
  • $user->logout(); // to logout
  • $user->check(); // check if the current user is logged in
  • Auth::against('users')->loginWith(1); // force to log specific use against a guard
  • Auth::against('users')->user(); // get the Katana instance of the connected user or null
  • Auth::logOut(); // logout the connected user
  • Auth::against('users')->canLogin($username, $password, $extra); // check if the user can be logged in


Chibi framework ships with some useful hurdles that will help you to protect your routes depending on the situation


$route->get('/onlyGuests', function() {
    return 'only Guests can enter';


$route->get('/onlyAuth', function() {
    return 'only Guests can enter';

You can pass the name of the guard as an option to check against it

$route->get('/onlyAdmins', function() {
    return 'only Guests can enter';