
A convenient way to handle messages between users in a simple way

Primary LanguagePHP


Laravel Messager

A convenient way to handle messages between users in a simple way

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Setup a Model
  3. Creating & Sending Messages
    1. Creating a message
    2. Sending the message
    3. Responding the message
    4. Drafting a message
  4. Working with Messages
    1. Getting messages between users
    2. Read messages
    3. Unread messages
    4. Draft messages
  5. Tags
    1. Create and Edit tags
    2. Assign tag to message
    3. Change and get tag of a message
    4. Remove a tag from a message


First, install the package through Composer.

composer require inani/messager

Then include the service provider inside config/app.php.

'providers' => [

Publish config and migrations

php artisan vendor:publish

Setup a Model

To setup a model all you have to do is add (and import) the MessageAccessible trait.

use Inani\Messager\Helpers\MessageAccessible;
use Inani\Messager\Helpers\TagsCreator;
class User extends Model
    use MessageAccessible, TagsCreator;

Creating & sending Messages

Creating a message

$receiver = User::find(1); 

// Message Data
$messageData = [
	'content' => 'Hello all this is just a test', // the content of the message
	'to_id' => $receiver->getKey(), // Who should receive the message

list($message, $user) = App\User::createFromRequest($messageData);

Sending the message

$sender = User::find(2);

$sent = $sender->writes($message)
// send to multiple users the same message
// can execpt a user|array of users| array of ids| or array of users and ids
$sent = $sender->writes($message)
		 ->cc([$user1, $user2])
		 ->cc([$user3->id, $user4->id])

Responding the message

$sender = User::find(2);

$sent = $user->writes($newMessage)

Drafting a message

$sender = User::find(2);

$draft = $sender->writes($message)

Working with Messages

Once you've got messages you need to do something with them.

Getting messages between users

// Users
$userA = App\User::find(1);
$userB = App\User::find(2);

// Get seen messages sent from UserB to UserA
$messages = $userA->received()->from($userB)->seen()->get();

// OR you can pass an array of IDs 
$messages = $userA->received()->from([2, 3, 4, 5])->seen()->get();

Read messages

// Set the selected message(or id of messages as read)
$count = $userB->received()->select($message)->readThem();

Unread messages

// Get unread messages from UserB to User A
$messages = $userA->received()->from($userB)->unSeen()->get();

// Marking them as read
$messages = $userA->received()->from($userB)->unSeen()->readThem();

// check out if a conversation has new messages
$bool = $userA->received()->conversation($message)->hasNewMessages();

// Get the number of conversations that have new messages in it
$number = $userA->received()->unSeenConversations();

Sent messages

// Get unread messages from UserA to UserB
$messages = $userA->sent()->to($userB)->get();

// OR you can pass an array of IDs
$messages = $userA->received()->to([2, 3, 4, 5)->get();

Draft messages

// Get the draft messages for UserA
$messages = $userA->sent()->inDraft()->get().


You can tag (or structure your messages in different categories).

Create and Edit tags

each user can make any number of tags.

// create a new tag, $data can be (Tag instance, array, Request)
$tag = $userA->addNewTag($data);

// Modify the attributes of a tag

Assign tag to message

Once you have the message and the tag

// you'll need the instance of user(to check if sender or receiver)
// $user and $tag can be ids or instance of User, Tag classes
$bool = $message->concerns($user)->putTag($tag);

Change and get tag of a message

// to change the tag just use the same method
$bool = $message->concerns($user)->putTag($tag);

// to get the tag of the message, null if not tagged
$tagOrNull = $message->concerns($user)->getTag();

Remove a tag from a message

// To remove the tag from the message
$bool = $message->concerns($user)->removeTag();