
Simple passport, is a complete implementation of laravel/passport package, containing authentication, forgot passwort, recovery password, ... and all what you need to start your application that needs a complete authentication system

Primary LanguageHTML


1/ Install Laravel passport official package, explained in the documentation here Then install the simple-passport package via composer

composer require heloufir/simple-passport


1/ After installing the package, you need to publish it, by running the command:

To do it, simply execute the following command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Heloufir\SimplePassport\SimplePassportServiceProvider

Or follow the steps below:

php artisan vendor:publish

You will be asked to choose what tag you want to publish (see the image below)

Publish heloufir/simple-passport package

Next you just need to choose the tag number to publish and tap Enter.

For my case I choosed 3 then Enter

Package heloufir/simple-passport published

This is the message you need to see if everything is OK.

2/ Now you need to configure the laravel/passport package, do it by following the below steps:

Execute the migration command:

php artisan migrate

This will show you the following message:

Migrating: 2019_04_06_105400_create_simple_tokens_table
Migrated:  2019_04_06_105400_create_simple_tokens_table

After running this command, add the Heloufir\SimplePassport\Helpers\CanResetPassword trait to your YOUR_NAMESPACE\User model. This trait will provide a few helper methods:


namespace App;
use Heloufir\SimplePassport\Helpers\CanResetPassword;
use Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasApiTokens, Notifiable, CanResetPassword;

You can override two methods getEmailField and getPasswordField for providing the names of the fields

3/ A configuration file config/simple-passport.php will be published. its containing the information such as the user model and more things.

return [

    | Recover url
    | This value is the recover password url, where the user will be redirected
    | after he clicked on the forgot password email button.
    | >> To customize this value please set a new variable into the application
    |    .env file with the following name: "SP_RECOVER_URL"
    'recover_url' => env('SP_RECOVER_URL', 'http://localhost:4200/auth/recover/'),

    | Mail sender
    | This value is the address of the sender, which be displayed in the mail
    | sent to the user after he request to recover his password or after his
    | password is recovered
    | >> To customize this value please set a new variable into the application
    |    .env file with the following name: "SP_MAIL_FROM"
    'mail_from' => env('SP_MAIL_FROM', 'noreply@application.com'),

    | Recover url
    | This value is the name of the send, which be displayed in the mail
    | sent to the user after he request to recover his password or after his
    | password is recovered
    | >> To customize this value please set a new variable into the application
    |    .env file with the following name: "SP_MAIL_FROM_NAME"
    'mail_from_name' => env('SP_MAIL_FROM_NAME', 'Application'),

    | model
    | The model that can use simple-passport features

    'model' => \App\User::class,

    | after_seconds
    | How many seconds before dispatch the jobs to send mails

    'after_seconds' => 10,

It's done for the laravel/passport configuration, the rest of the configuration is done in the heloufir/simple-passport side.

So from here you are ready to use laravel/passport and heloufir/simple-passport packages.


Generate token

1/ You can generate a token for an existing user via a POST HTTP request to http://localhost/oauth/forgot-password containing an email field.

2/ You can recover the password for an existing user via a PUT HTTP request to http://localhost/oauth/recover-password/some-random-token containing an email and new password field.