Alpakka Kafka connector - Alpakka is a Reactive Enterprise Integration library for Java and Scala, based on Reactive Streams and Akka.
- adamwhttps://www.softwaremill.com
- ahjohannessenFaroe Islands
- algorithmelausanne, switzerland
- ataraxerAmsterdam, Netherlands
- bfilLondon, United Kingdom
- brocchiniSysco
- bwestlinStockholm, Sweden
- chsjiang
- dadrox
- dajac@confluentinc
- filippovitaleNETSCOUT
- hexxKADOKAWA Connected Inc.
- hoffmannhttp://blue-yonder.com
- jbonerLightbend Inc.
- johnykov@osodevops
- ktosoWe sell fruit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- maciej@cloudflare
- maspwrPalo Alto, CA
- mgodaveex-Twitter
- minosiantsGold Coast, Australia
- mkubalaSoftwareMill
- mostrŁódź, Poland
- nraychaudhuriUSA
- pszymczyk
- ryanlecompteQuantifind
- sergkhFidesmo
- skapadia
- slevineGoogle Cloud
- sourcedelicaNew York, NY
- swhgoon
- timothyklim
- tkelloggKenSci
- twisniewskiAllegro Group
- whysoseriousPoland | Everywhere
- yujikirikiS4N
- yzernik