
PHP FlightAware [FlightXML2]

Primary LanguagePHP

FlightAware FlightXML2

A small but useful PHP library for FlightAware FlightXML2, the library is pretty straight forward and very easy when it comes to usage. In just a few steps you will be able to pull data from FlightAware.

Before proceeding with this readme I suggest you read the FlightAware documentation via; http://flightxml.flightaware.com/soap/FlightXML2/doc

Step 1: Include flightAware.php


Step 2: Initiate FlightAware class

$flightAware = new FlightAware('#YOUR_FLIGHT_AWARE_USERNAME#', '#YOUR_FLIGHT_AWARE_API_KEY#');

Step 3: Pull data from FlightAware

$scheduledFleet = $flightAware->pull('FleetScheduled', [ 'fleet' => 'KLM' ] );

The FlightAware pull function expects 2 parameters, the first (required) parameter (string) is the FlightAware operation e.g. "FleetScheduled". The second (optional) parameter (array) is a list of url params that needs to be sent with the request.


If, for what reason an error occurs the FlightAware pull function will return an array with key "error" => "message".