
A quick 'n' dirty FlightAware PHP client

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This class allows for quick interaction with a (small) subset of FlightAware's FlightXML REST API. See http://flightaware.com/commercial/flightxml/explorer/ for more information.


  1. PHP 5.5+
  2. curl
  3. A FlightAware API account


First, require FlightAwareClient.php, or include this repo via Composer (its composer.json will add the require for you to the Composer autoloader classmap). Then instantiate the client class as follows:

$faClient = new iansltx\FlightAwareClient\Client('username', 'api_key');

The following methods are available; all return unwrapped result arrays:

$inFlightInfo = $faClient->inFlightInfo($ident); // reformats waypoints with distinct latitude and longitude array keys
$flightInfoEx = $faClient->flightInfoEx($ident, $how_many, $offset);
$flightId = $faClient->getFlightId($ident, $departure_time);
$historicalTrack = $faClient->getHistoricalTrack($flight_id);
$lastTrack = $faClient->getLastTrack($ident);
$endpoint = $faClient->registerAlertEndpoint($url,$format);
$getAlertResults = $faClient->getAlerts()
$newAlertID = $faClient->setAlert($alert_id, $ident, $origin, $destination, $aircrafttype, $date_start, $date_end, $channels, $enablede, $max_weekly);
$foo = $faClient->deleteAlert($alert_id);


Contributions/PRs are welcomed. This code is MIT licensed.

Other Notes

This library was originally built for use in http://limitless-horizons.org.