1. OOP
  • Understand OOP principles: encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism

    • Encapsulation: By using private, protected access modifier, properties inside a class could not be modified from outside.
    class BankAccount {
    public minimumBalance: number;
    get balance(): number {
      return this._balance;
    private _balance: number;
    deposit(amount: number): number {
      this._balance = this._balance + amount;
      return this._balance;
    withdraw(amount: number): number {
      if (amount <= this.minimumBalance) {
        this._balance = this._balance - amount;
        return this._balance;

    the _balance property is encapsulated because it is private. Only code within the Bank Account class can modify it.

    • Abstraction: Abstract class and interface only define general properties or methods, sub-class will base on those rules to implement interface or extend abstract class.
  interface Fee {
    chargeFee(amount: number );

  // parent BankAccount and sibling SavingsAccount do not implement Fee interface
  class BankAccount { ... }
  class SavingsAccount extends BankAccount { ... }

  // checking implements Fee
  class CheckingAccount extends BankAccount implements Fee {
    chargeFee(amount: number) {}

CheckingAccount can implements Fee interface while its parent class BankAccount or its sibling SavingsAccount don't need to implement this interface.

  • Inheritance: Subclass extends the properties and methods of superclass.
class BankAccount {
 get balance(): number {
     return this._balance;
 private _balance: number;

 deposit(amount: number): number {
     return this._balance + amount;

 withdraw(amount: number): number {
     if (amount < this._balance ){
         return this._balance - amount;
     else {
         throw new Error("The withdraw amount must be less or equal than the balance.")

You can inherit the BankAccount class by using the 'extends' keyword in child class.

CheckingAccount inherits all the code from the parent class, then adds its own code to apply a monthly fee.

SavingsAccount calculates interest.

class CheckingAccount extends BankAccount {
    protected monthlyFeeAmount: number = 5.00;
    chargeFee(): number {
        return this.monthlyFeeAmount;

class SavingsAccount extends BankAccount {
    private _interestRate;
    public calculateInterest(){
        return this.balance * this._interestRate;

  • Polymorphism: Multiple classes inherit from a parent and override the same functionality Polymorphism allows you to specify discrete logic that is customized for each specific child class.
  class CheckingAccount {
    open(initialAmount: number) {
      // code to open account and save in database

  class BusinessCheckingAccount extends CheckingAccount {
    open(initialAmount: number) {
      if (initialAmount < 1000) {
        throw new Error("Business accounts must have an initial deposit of 1.000 Euros")

  class PersonalCheckingAccount extends CheckingAccount {
    open(initialAmount: number) {
      if (initialAmount <= 0) {
        throw new Error("Personal accounts must have an initial deposit of more than zero Euros")

  Both BusinessCheckingAccount and PersonalCheckingAccount override the open function to return different result.
  1. Solid Principle
  • Single responsibility principle: each class just handle one work
  • Open / Close Principle: open for extending, close for modifying
  • Liskov Substitution Principle: objects of subclasses should behave in the same way as objects of superclass.
  • Interface Segregation Principle: Interface should be devided to be smaller and more specific
  • Dependancy Inversion Principle: High-level module should not depend on low-level module. Both types should depend on abstraction.
  1. TypeScript: Learning basic properties of TypeScript:
  • Variable Declaration: let/const name:type = value;
  • Dynamic (any) types
  • Type Aliases: type StringOrNum = string | number;
  • Function Signature: let name: (param: type) => number / string / void;
  • DOM & Type Casting: const form = document.querySelector('form') as HTMLFormElement;
  • Class:
class name{
var1: type;
var2: type;

constructor(a: type, b: type){
  this.var1 = a;
  this.var2 = b;

// Code
  • Public, private & protected modifier
  • Interface: Enforce certain structure of a class or object
  interface IEmployee {
      empCode: number;
      name: string;

  class Employee implements IEmployee {
      empCode: number;
      name: string;

      constructor(code: number, name: string) {
                  this.empCode = code;
         = name;

      getSalary(empCode:number):number {
          return 20000;
  1. Node JS
  2. Nest JS
  3. Design Pattern
  4. Database Design