Welcome to Social-Hub. Social-hub is a social media web-app where users can meet new people, make new friends, and interact with them. Let's have a look at some salient features:

An amusing GIF is momentarily set forth on the screen when the home page gets refreshed.

Every time the user refreshes the page, he shall be able to enjoy randomly generated posts.

The website is responsive, i.e., changes its dimensions according to the user's display.

Hovering over the icons changes their color, size, or opacity.

A user can chat with people globally using the messaging feature of the web app. (further backend development needed)

Moreover, options are available to like, comment, and share the post.

Tools utilized: -

  1. HTML

  2. CSS

  3. Javascript

  4. Bootstrap (framework)

  5. Fontawesome

  6. Friconix

  7. Gifer

  8. Lorem Picsum

Scope for further improvements:

  1. Send and view messages in the chat section

  2. Users can add comments and the number of comments can also be limited using JS

  3. Posts can be saved as well as shared

  4. Additional features like changing username, managing notifications, and posting stories can be added to make the website more user-friendly.

Google Drive link:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hR_IUOwMTHY_fLLEWMl6ofuj22n2PB-b