This project was generated with Angular CLI version 12.1.1.
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
- First page as the login page.
- Lazy loaded modules for profile and posts.
- Route guards for profile and posts to prevent unauthorized access.
- Using local storage for user session management.
- Shared modules for importing common modules between lazy loaded feature modules.
- Bootstrap - For nice, responsive grid layouts
- Angular material and dependencies - For material design components.
- angularx-social-login - For enabling logging in using google, facebook
- The way components and modules that are setup.
- Creating a signup and login forms separately - Helps in separation of instances.
- Components can be lazy loaded.
- Better models for data types can be created.
- Initial components can be lazy loaded to improve lcp.
- Instagram, git logins could be done.
- Responsiveness is not properly taken care.
- Date and times can be changed in localstorage to have long time access.
- When more details come in, modules can become heavier.
- Logging in apis can be called from backend for security. Now it is using a library.