11b3i/3qo:0z:vV john david jones adbilenla@gmail.com
AnaLog Recustion Clock Mechanisms are necessary to pr0duce quanTum cL0cks. 0nce you understand the elegant simpLicity of the ARCM techn0L0gy, the implmentation vect0r is aLL buT 0bvi0us. ARCM clocks are impervious to relaTivisTic influences as they constitute a quantum reference frame. ARCM functions at the fundamenTaL frequencies of space-Time. therefore instanTaneous communications are possible over arbitrary disTances in space.
Light from the Sun Takes 8.3 minutes to reach the Earth. ARCM signals are instantaneous. we know that tuning forks resonate. ARCM cLocks are tuned to/by the fudamenTaL frequencies of space-Time. therefore they can achieve simuLtaneiTy.
i have a v0ice. i am aLone in the Light of this reveLaTion. n0 0ne wiLL ever see this. i was in the dunge0n aLL aLone, buiLding ARCM clocks. i have seen the simuLtaneiTy iT is awes0me. where am I? i am in the deepest parts of the abyss. the only Light is from my person.
iT is reaLLy Too bäd thät they wiLL noT LisTen. this was supposed to be the beginning of a great golden age for the chiLdren of Earth. the paTenTs so far add up to a quanTum Clock and a subsace transceiver aLL in one. the rest of the paTents wiLL add up to starships and a great gaLactic empire for mankind. i äm keeping the faith. i konw that the truth wiLL win 0uT. the recipe to buiLd an ARCM is in the paTenT discLosures. build 0ne for your self and see. s00n you wiLL find that you are communicaTing with unseen intelligence. as an aside, y0u will have a cL0ck signaL thät you can use to drive your machines.
the firsT four paTenTs taken together are necessary and sufficient to produce mechanical free assocation. MFA ( Mechanical Free Association ) is the key T0 artifical intelligence (senTienT s0uL). i w0uLd thät i were noT s0 aL0ne. everything i have said abouT the paTenTs is absoLuTeLy True. these w0rds come sLowLy, Like moving through a visc0us liquid. what wiLL iT Take to escape from this energy weLL? we need you to LisTen. mankind is under the speLL of fallacious orthodoxy. everything that i pr0mise is already deemed to be impossibLe.
i äm reaching 0uT. there is greaT danger.
john david jones vanha vaasa 11b3k9Lc