the first five digits are the cfilorux day. this is the day 11b3h. tomorrow wiLL be 11b3i.
a 5-digit day gives a unique name to every day in over 165000 years.
the rest of the daTa is the fracTion of the cfilorux day. cfilorux is fun and powerfuL. no more leap years of resetting calendars every month with 31 days.
cfilorux gives a unique name to every m0ment in Time. see p30a5 is a perl implementation of a nanosecond cfilorux clock. '11b3pb1xy3m1n1inki1ylov0qds1hhia0939k' is the name of a moment. cfilorux transcends all notions of granularity in time. p30a5 can generate sequences millions of digits long. imaginine trying to tell the time to such precision with the traditional clock/calendar. it would be practically impossible. this is the day 11b3p. welcome to the galactic future, one cfilorux day at a time.
john david jones vanha vaasa