
In this project, a hybrid wireless communication system will be developed using data collected from users with the help of bluetooth. Bluetooth sensors on smartphones, and if needed, GPS will be used to collect data with Bluetooth adapters. Two different technologies are used in the literature, but the technologies I mentioned are not combined in one study. In this project, bluetooth communication values will be collected from bluetooth sensor points and BLE marks on smartphones, these values will be used with GPS data to increase localization accuracy. Application results may be affected by obstacles and indoors, and wireless bluetooth sensor routing algorithms will be used to improve the results. On the other hand, there will be a huge load in the database and this will reduce the speed of the application. This slowdown will be resolved by detecting the nearest beacon and coverage area. The set of nodes suitable for communication can be narrowed by the coverage area of the sign. While all this is being done, help support will be received from controls that will be active in the cloud. In addition, a location estimation will be made using the degradation of sensor values. Active selection will be applied with the data obtained and the user will be able to visualize the estimated matches in the application.


Random Movement

Random Movement

Probabilistic Movement

Probabilistic Movement

Future Works

  • _Wireless sensor network solutions
    • _Flat based routing
    • _Hierarchical based routing
    • _Location based routing
  • _Bluetooth
  • _Mobile App Integration