
Illustration of how micro frontend architecture is achieved

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Microfrontend Architecture in REACT.js

Illustration of how micro frontend architecture is achieved

What are Microfrontends

Micro frontends are small apps that are individually developed and maintained and can be integrated into a main application also referred as container

What are the ways to achieve the Microfrontend arcitecture?

There are different approaches in itegration of Microfrontends into a main application/ Container, they are catogrized into following types.

  1. Build-Time integration
  2. Run-Time integration

Build Time integration

Apps are integrated into the Container before Container gets loaded into the web browser i.e at compile time (npm run builds)

one way -> develop -> deploy -> publish (as NPM pacjkage or any other way) -> import in container as a dependency -> now the application contains all the code at build time.

PRO - easy to setup/understand

CONS - ANY time micro app changes whole application needs to be redeployed - Since source code is directly shared amoong apps it is tightly coupled

Run Time integration

Microfrontend app will be loaded once the container get loaded into the browser or when the associated URL is invoked into the browser.

Process -> develop -> deploy (deployed at container.com/microfe1) -> when user gets into container.com container is loaded -> when user gets into container.com/microfe1 the corresponding microfrontend is loaded.

PRO - can be independently deployed - different versions of a microfrontend can be deployed and container can choose at any point of time.

CONS - setup is complex as webpack has to be installed and has to be maintained the same accross developers