I'm a full stack mobile developer. I've built the apps for a number of businesses, taught iOS dev training programs, and developed several apps of my own.
Pinned Repositories
Simple bingo website made using HTML, CSS, & Javascript. Simple bingo website made using HTML, CSS, & Javascript. Simple bingo website made using HTML, CSS, & Javascript. A simple bingo website made using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
A demo app I made for an iOS training program I taught that shows how to use a UICollectionView to make a feed, UITableView to display data, and sharing data between view controllers.
Basic product oriented website created using HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript & MySql database. Permits user to add and sort customers.
A basic computer application made using Java that can be used to teach students laws of electricity and magnetism. Includes calculators for different formulas, and displays step by step tutorial on how to compute certain values. Made using Java, data abstraction, and jFrames.
Basic friend request system I created using parse backend. Includes user registration, login, and friend request system.
A demo that I made for the iOS training program that I taught. It shows how to use CLLocationManager to retrieve the user's current location, how to store that location as a PFGeoPoint in a Parse database, and how to make geopoint queries using Parse iOS sdk.
A basic functionality clone of instagram that I made during an iOS course I took. Uses parse backend and implements user registration, user authentication, and queries. Includes follower system and user feed system implementation. Also has pop-up alerts, error handling, spinners, and pull to refresh activities.
final rails proj
This is a demo app that I made for the iOS training program I taught. It allows users to login and send post pictures using Parse BaaS. It also shows some aspects of programmatic design and uses UIVisualEffectView to product blur views.
Basic functionality clone of Tinder app that I made during an iOS course that I took. Uses parse backend to implement Facebook login. Let’s user accept & reject other users. Includes pop-up alerts, pull to refresh activity, and spinners.
akkshay's Repositories
Simple bingo website made using HTML, CSS, & Javascript. Simple bingo website made using HTML, CSS, & Javascript. Simple bingo website made using HTML, CSS, & Javascript. A simple bingo website made using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
A demo app I made for an iOS training program I taught that shows how to use a UICollectionView to make a feed, UITableView to display data, and sharing data between view controllers.
Basic product oriented website created using HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript & MySql database. Permits user to add and sort customers.
A basic computer application made using Java that can be used to teach students laws of electricity and magnetism. Includes calculators for different formulas, and displays step by step tutorial on how to compute certain values. Made using Java, data abstraction, and jFrames.
A demo that I made for the iOS training program that I taught. It shows how to use CLLocationManager to retrieve the user's current location, how to store that location as a PFGeoPoint in a Parse database, and how to make geopoint queries using Parse iOS sdk.
final rails proj
This is a demo app that I made for the iOS training program I taught. It allows users to login and send post pictures using Parse BaaS. It also shows some aspects of programmatic design and uses UIVisualEffectView to product blur views.
Sample website made using HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript & MySql database. Includes user authentication system, basic formatting, survey form, and survey results sorting system.
A demo app I made for an iOS training program I taught that shows the essential aspects of UIProgramming in Swift.
A demo for beginners useful in teaching how to upload objects and make queries to database. Commented well for people to learn.
This is a demo app from the iOS course I taught. It's great for beginners' 1st or 2nd app and has comments so that you can understand what's going on.
A demo app I made for an iOS training program I taught that shows users how to use Cocoapods at a basic level. Here is the youtube video to follow along with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlY39ga19ws
This is the completed code to accompany my UICollectionView Tutorial that can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKvGWBzwCeFziQV459T9961yM3O2kWspa
This is a demo app from my iOS course. It displays the companies that show each computer part and can be used to teach students about UITableViews and UICollectionViews. It is commented well so you can understand what's going on.
Worksheet in form of XCode proj for Firebase week in MDB training program.
I am done
This is a demo app that I made for the iOS training program I taught. It allows users to upload and query objects from a database and display them in a UITableView using Parse iOS SDK.
For mdb training program
Utility classes for faster development. Address common needs for Swift in general and for Parse iOS SDK.
A demo app I made for an iOS training program I taught that upload objects to the database and queries from the database. Great to use as a teaching tool for beginner iOS developers trying to learn about relational databases and backend as a service.
I am a Pokemon Master
updated with bootstrap
railsdecal proj2
This is a basic demo app that I made for the iOS training program I taught to help students gain familiarity with UITableViews, custom cells, and UIImageViews.
Landing Page
Basic app using location services. Made as part of an iOS course I took.