CoffeeMill is a Movable Type plugin that helps to use coffee script in Movable Type template.
Copy (or SymLink) mt-plugin-coffee-mill/plugins/CoffeeMill/ to (MT_HOME)/plugins/CoffeeMill/ Also copy (or SymLink) mt-plugin-coffee-mill/mt-static/plugins/CoffeeMill/ to (MT_STATIC)/plugins/CoffeeMill
Just create new Index Template, but with *.coffee in Output File.
Write coffee script.
Save, then script will automatically be compiled to Javascript, and to be published as *.js file.
When you want to put MT tags in coffee script, need to wrap each MT tag in block comment.
###<mt:if name="danger">###
alert "DANGER!"
Templates with *.coffee outfile are recognized as having *.js outfile in template listing screen.
Coffee Script
Akira Sawada
Released under the MIT License
This package includes copy of a part of Coffee Script. Coffee Script is written by Jeremy Ashkenas and Released under the MIT License. See the COPYING file.