
Executes an automated sequences of clicks repeatedly

Primary LanguageJava


A Java program for executing very simple repeated tasks, mainly clicking on a certain position on the screen. With the Java Robot class, clicks and mouse movements are simulated, so one can program a sequence of clicks and waiting.

The basic idea is to write your own scripts with a sequence of actions (= clicks and waiting). You can then specify the programm how many times to execute your script. An example for a script can be found in sample.do, but at the next section there's a small example too.

It can be used for tasks which are repeated exactly the same each time, and I use it for putting emails in our order system at work (I'm lazy).


Scripts are saved in separate text files, and you can name them as you want. I name mine with the ending .do, simply for implying that the file contains some action commands.

At the moment, there are three basic commands: click, doubleclick and wait. The first two expect positions on the screen, and the last takes a double value which represents the seconds to wait

click 250, 450
doubleclick 300, 300
wait 10.0


Just call

java -jar repeat.jar sample.do 5

to execute sample.do 5 times. It should run on both Windows and Linux (tested: Ubuntu 12).

Features to add

  • virtual clipboard for copying and pasting text
  • if-then control structure (for making decisions based on clipboard text)