
Generate release notes and changelogs for project with independently released modules

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Generate Changelog

A tool that generates a changelog and next version based on your commit history. It follows some of the basic conventional commit standards for bumping versions, but it is not a complete implementation of that standard.

This does not change the version or commit or tag anything. It just calculates the changelog and the next version information.


  • Automatic version bumping via fix/feat/BREAKING CHANGE
  • Support multiple projects in a single repo via scopes (fix(api): some api bug fix)

Changelog Examples

With the following commits, you would see the following changelog:

feat!: Remove `config.abc`

feat!: Feat 2 was implemented

BREAKING CHANGE: The `config.xyz` not longer has any effect

fix: Bug 2 was fixed

feat: Feat 1 was implemented

fix: Bug 1 was fixed
Resulting Changlog


  • Feat 1 was implemented
  • Feat 2 was implemented
  • Remove config.abc

Bug Fixes

  • Bug 1 was fixed
  • Bug 2 was fixed


  • The config.xyz not longer has any effect
  • Remove config.abc


See src/types/options.ts for a list of all options that can be used to configure how the changelog is generated.

Node API

import { generateChangelog } from "@aklinker1/generate-changelog";

  // ...


Use the generate-changelog command to output version and changelog details. the final JSON ouputs are logged to stderr for you to parse and consume.

generate-changelog [options] [dir]

See generate-changelog --help for options and usage.

GitHub Actions

- id: changelog
  name: Generate changelog
  uses: aklinker1/generate-changelog/.github/actions/generate-changelog@main

- name: Bump Version
  if: ${{ steps.changelog.outputs.skipped == 'false' }}
  run: |
    node -p -e "
      const pkg = JSON.parse(\`$(cat package.json)\`);
      pkg.version = '${{ steps.changelog.outputs.nextVersion }}';
      JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2);
    " > package.json
    echo "Updated package.json:"
    cat package.json
    git config --global user.email "changelog.action@github.com"
    git config --global user.name "Changelog Action"
    git add package.json
    git commit -m "chore(release): v${{ steps.changelog.outputs.nextVersion }}"
    git push

- name: Create Tag
  if: ${{ steps.changelog.outputs.skipped == 'false' }}
  run: |
    git tag "v${{ steps.changelog.outputs.nextVersion }}"
    git push --tags

- id: create_release
  name: Create GitHub Release
  uses: actions/create-release@v1
  if: ${{ steps.changelog.outputs.skipped == 'false' }}
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
    tag_name: v${{ steps.changelog.outputs.nextVersion }}
    release_name: "v${{ steps.changelog.outputs.nextVersion }}"
    body: ${{ steps.changelog.outputs.changelog }}