
Tugas Besar IF3140 Manajemen Basis Data | Mekanisme Concurrency Control dan Recovery

Primary LanguagePython


Tugas Besar IF3140 Manajemen Basis Data

Mekanisme Concurrency Control dan Recovery

Table of Contents

Program Description

The project is a simulation of Concurrency Control mechanisms in a Database Management System (DBMS), featuring the Two-Phase Locking (2PL), Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC), and Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC) methods. The input consists of transaction schedules, and the output is a finalized schedule arranged by the system.

Required Program

  • Python: The programming language used for implementing concurrency control protocols and other aspects of the project.
  • PostgreSQL: The database management system used for the project.

How to Run The Program

  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/akmaldika/IF3140_K02_G14.git
  1. Change the current directory
  2. Run the program
python src/main.py


Name ID
Melvin Kent Jonathan 13521052
Akmal Mahardika Nurwahyu Pratama 13521070
Juan Christopher Santoso 13521116
Febryan Arota Hia 13521120