
python version of lsof to graphviz parser

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python version of zevv/lsofgraph

A small utility to convert Unix lsof output to a graph showing FIFO and UNIX interprocess communication.

Generate graph:

sudo lsof -n -F | python lsofgraph.py | dot -Tjpg > /tmp/a.jpg
sudo lsof -n -F | python lsofgraph.py | dot -T svg > /tmp/a.svg

or add unflatten to the chain for a better layout:

sudo lsof -n -F | python lsofgraph.py | unflatten -l 1 -c 6 | dot -T jpg > /tmp/a.jpg
sudo lsof -n -F | python lsofgraph.py | unflatten -l 1 -c 6 | dot -T svg > /tmp/a.svg

Note: In cases of handling large datasets, you might encounter a "maximum recursion depth exceeded" error. To work around this, you can increase the recursion limit in your Python environment by adding sys.setrecursionlimit(15000) in the lsofgraph.py script.

example output

Install and use on MacOS

Graphviz contains utilities dot and unflatten

brew install Graphviz
git clone https://github.com/akme/lsofgraph-python.git
cd lsofgraph-python
lsof -n -F | python lsofgraph.py | unflatten -l 1 -c 6 | dot -T jpg > /tmp/a.jpg && open /tmp/a.jpg
lsof -n -F | python lsofgraph.py | unflatten -l 1 -c 6 | dot -T svg > /tmp/a.jpg && open -a Safari.app '/tmp/a.svg'