
The objective was to implement a model with less than 10k parameters on MNIST data and get an accuracy of more than 99% in 10 epochs.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

MNIST Challenge:

To implement a model with less than 10000 parameters on MNIST data and get an accuracy of more than 99% in 10 epochs

The solutions were implemented in Keras with tensorflow backend. ADAM is used as an optimizer with initial learning rate 1e-3. Categorical Cross entropy is used as the loss function and accuracy as a metric. A learning rate scheduler is available which decreases the learning rate by a factor which can be customized if the validation accuracy has not increased compared to its n-3rd run and if learning rate has not been decreased in the last 3 epochs. However, here it’s not being used as the factor is kept to be 1.

Solution 1: Convolutions Model

Total params: 8,640 Trainable params: 8,580 Non-trainable params: 60

Used bigger kernels of size 7 × 7 and 5 × 5 as information is distributed globally in the image and not locally. Accuracy on Test Set: 99.2% Now that the objective was achieved, tried reducing the parameters to less than 5k parameters.

Solution 2: Separable Convolution Model

Total params: 4,967 Trainable params: 4,879 Non-trainable params: 88 Used smaller kernels of size 3 × 3 but with many channels. Accuracy on Test Set: 98.42% Now that the objective was achieved, tried further by reducing the number of trainable parameters even further.

Solution 3: Inception Model

Total params: 3,077 Trainable params: 3,077 Non-trainable params: 0

Made use of the inception module in the beginning. Used filters of various sizes – 1 × 1, 3 × 3, 5 × 5. Accuracy on Test Set: 97.36%


With an efficient architecture, smaller and more efficient models can be built with lesser parameters to achieve comparable performance.

  • In the initial solution, model had 8640 parameters with an accuracy of 99.20%
  • In the second solution, model had 4967 parameters with an accuracy of 98.42%. The number of parameters were reduced by 42.5% with only 0.78% decrease in accuracy compared to the first solution.
  • In the third solution, model had 3077 parameters with an accuracy of 97.36 %. The number of parameters were reduced by 64.38% with only 1.84% decrease in accuracy compared to the first solution.