
Using introspection of Python (3) to know everything about a new object.

Primary LanguagePython


Using introspection of Python(3) to know more about an object.


AnalyzeObj(obj, exclRgEx=["__doc__", "__builtins__"])

obj: Name of the object. If suppose I want to know about details inside package sklearn (and I have already done import sklearn). I can simply do: AnalyzeObj(sklearn)

exclRgEx: The attributes of object which matches the regex list provided here would be ignored. It has some default value, thus passing an empty list would display all the attributes.

On execution it first display help(obj), user can skip it by typing q + Enter

Please note, the code just have two function (no classes), so the file could be loaded in REPL simply as:

with open('AnalyzeObj.py') as f:  #Assuming file is present in current directory.