A lightweight library that converts raw HTML to a React DOM structure.
- 0
README example are incorrect
#222 opened by MatthewHerbst - 1
question: Is there a way to whitelist tags?
#139 opened by DarkGuy10 - 0
[BUG] DOM property `referrerPolicy` being incorrectly handled as `referrerpolicy`
#200 opened by AiraNadih - 0
Why the inline style is not correctly parsed?
#159 opened by rallona - 8
Add TypeScript declarations
#134 opened by danikaze - 1
- 3
How to parse custom components?
#118 opened by denisidoro - 1
- 4
This one creating an error because of Ramda
#140 opened by metawise - 13
- 5
#121 opened by IamFonky - 12
- 4
- 2
- 0
- 1
how to handle exceptions
#123 opened by anton-thushara - 1
Iframes with allowFullScreen triggers warning
#122 opened by adrianhelvik - 1
Can I inject & replace all anchor tags with React Router's Link Component?
#117 opened by mehulgala77 - 8
<code> <- </code> is parsed incorrectly
#115 opened by gilisho - 0
Style attributes mapped incorrectly
#114 opened by ion-ciobanu-dev - 3
key="0" attribute on root element disrupts rendering
#113 opened by kromit - 1
actual DOM node to React element
#71 opened by subhranshudas - 8
- 2
iframe video not playing using this library
#86 opened by lfaz - 3
Script tag data should not be escaped
#85 opened by ccope - 8
Parses undefined for < bracket
#91 opened by tomasbruckner - 2
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Will this work for my use case?
#93 opened by ldco2016 - 3
Documentation & Examples
#95 opened by sempostma - 1
- 1
anchor tag no support
#104 opened by piyaleemaiti - 5
- 2
Getting nodes within a <p> tag
#109 opened by syahrul12345 - 2
typescript denifitions?
#108 opened by gggiiia - 8
- 7
- 2
How to render element rather than string?
#105 opened by johnknoop - 1
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Is it possible to add attribute?
#89 opened by subhash279 - 2
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[BUG] '&' character breaks parsing
#81 opened by lbittner-pdftron - 3
- 0
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Replacing children of an element
#77 opened by simplecommerce - 2
Webpack bundle
#68 opened by loretoparisi - 4
Parser.parse() is not a function
#64 opened by GabrielInTheWorld - 0
Version 10 of node.js has been released
#65 opened by greenkeeper