A map of Singapore, with roads colour-coded for language of origin
Link to online map: http://cdb.io/1Hbbp6p
PyCon slides explaining the process of building the map: http://michelleful.github.io/SingaporeRoadnameOrigins/#/
A series of blog posts explaining the map in even more detail: http://michelleful.github.io/code-blog/2015/04/24/sgmap/
Notebooks: http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/michelleful/SingaporeRoadnameOrigins/tree/master/notebooks/ (The geography notebooks are the best documented. The machine learning notebooks are a bit messy.)
Want the final data? Here it is. Spot a wrongly-classified road? Submit a pull request on the file - preferably with some kind of documentation if the error is not self-evident. Thanks! :)
Many thanks to Jake Wasserman for his help getting the geo stuff working, and audiences at PyLadies Boston, MapTime Boston, PyData, and Boston Python for their feedback.