Python module that implements the JiffyBox API
JiffyBox is a cloud system from domainfactory GmbH, details can be found under (German) This python module implements the API from JiffyBox as documented under
Many of the API calls are implemented without being tested, I basically typed down the API as it is documented and tested only the functions that I needed myself. So if you find any error, I would be happy if you send me a bug report or even better a pull request with the bugfix.
Additionally, if you want to give me any hints or comments about coding style, best practices or your local beer preferences, I am happy to hear about it.
Also you can send me feature requests, but I don't promise to implement them, that depends on my time and my mood. However, you could consider hiring me if you have urgent feature requests ;-)
# import the module:
from Jiffy import Jiffy
# create jiffy object
jiffy = Jiffy("<YOUR JIFFYBOX TOKEN>", False)
# get an object that contains all information about all boxes:
allBoxes = jiffy.listAllBoxes()
# show only Status and BoxID
for boxID in allBoxes['result'].keys():
print "boxID: %s, Status: %s" % (boxID, allBoxes['result'][boxID]['status'])
# get the details object for one box:
print jiffy.getBoxDetails(boxID)
# shut down the box
jiffy.changeBoxStatus(boxID, {"status": "SHUTDOWN"})
# create a box with following parameters:
createParams = { "planid": planid,
"distribution": "debian_wheezy_64bit",
"name": boxName,
"metadata": {} }
# this creates the box:
result = jiffy.createBoxFromDistribution(createParams)
if not result['result']:
sys.exit("Error while creating VM: %s" % result['messages'][0]['message'])
# read box data and included box id from result:
newBox = result['result']
newBoxID = newBox['id']
# box creation takes a couple of minutes to be finished, poll for status 'READY'.
# warning: this code does NOT implement a timeout!
while (True):
result = jiffy.getBoxDetails(newBox['id'])['result']
if result['status'] == 'READY':
# to avoid race conditions, wait another 2 secs
print "Box %s, id %s, IP %s, status READY." % (boxName, result['id'], result['ips']['public'][0])
# poll every 10 secs
There are many more api calls implemented, some of them are not even tested very thoroughly. Read the source, Luke!
The module uses the python-requests library to make the actual calls.
Actually a lot, the module is an a state so I can use it, but a lot is still missing for global usage. an incomplete list:
- Error checking, basically no error checks are implemented yet
- check of return values
- validate input parameters, I just began with that
- test
- test
- test
GPLv3 - see LICENSE file for full license statement
Alexander Köb<>