
This is the calculation program of quasi-periodic Green's function for the Helmholtz equations. The quasi-periodicity is 1-dimension ( x component only ), Green's function is 3-dimensions.

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This is the calculation program of quasi-periodic Green's function for the Helmholtz equations. The quasi-periodicity is 1-dimension ( x component only ), Green's function is 3-dimensions. This program is used my original method.


  • quasi-periodic Green's function

    is quasi-periodic Green's function
    is Green's function of the 3-dimensional Helmholtz equation
    is wave number vector,
    is lattice vector,

  • quasi-peridic condition

Usage of example code

  1. type 'make' command to compile
  2. type './example1.out', './example2.out' to run

Please see src/d3_qpgf_d1.h, src/d3_qpgf_d1_cs.h for detail of functions, example1.c, example2.c for detail of function usages.


  1. Capolino, Filippo, Donald R. Wilton, and William A. Johnson. "Efficient computation of the 2-D Green's function for 1-D periodic structures using the Ewald method." IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 53.9 (2005): 2977-2984.
  2. Beylkin, Gregory, Christopher Kurcz, and Lucas Monzón. "Fast algorithms for Helmholtz Green's functions." Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 464.2100 (2008): 3301-3326.
  3. Abramowitz, Milton, Irene A. Stegun, and Robert H. Romer. "Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables." (1988).
  4. Faddeeva Package. http://ab-initio.mit.edu/Faddeeva