
My VIM configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script


To install just run in terminal:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/akolosov/vim-config/master/scripts/bootstrap.sh -L -o - | sh

... and wait until successfully installed and have fun with VIM!


- vim, macvim, neovim with +ruby, +python, +lua supports
- installed curl, git


1 2 3


All variables set in ~/.vimrc.before.local file.

g:hardcore_mode - allow to use VIM Hardcore mode (unset g:use_arrow_keys, g:use_copy_cut_paste_keys and many keymaps)

g:hardcore_mode_with_arrow_keys - the same as g:hardcore_mode, but arrow keys for navigation is enabled

g:use_powerline_fonts - allow to use PowerLine fonts (Link)

g:color_scheme - Your favorite color scheme name (default: hybrid)

g:airline_theme - Your favorite AirLine theme (default: bubblegum)

g:lightline_theme - Your favorite LightLine theme (default: hybrid)

g:dont_show_nerd_tree - do not show NERDTree on startup (if plugin is enabled)

g:use_arrow_keys - allow to use arrow keys. Only hjkl! Only hardcore!

g:use_copy_cut_paste_keys - allow to use Ctrl-C/V/X keys for Copy/Paste/Cut

g:use_autosave - allow to autosave all changes, like Textmate


Shortcut Description Modes
CTRL-P Open CtrlP menu [n i v]
CTRL-T Create new tab (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CTRL-Z Show/Hide UndoTree (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CTRL-G Show/Hide TagBar (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CTRL-Y Delete line (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CTRL-L Delete to EOL (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CTRL-H Delete to BOL (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CTRL-X or SHIFT-Del Cut (if set g:use_copy_cut_paste_keys and not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CTRL-C or CTRL-Ins Copy (if set g:use_copy_cut_paste_keys and not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CTRL-V or SHIFT-Ins Paste (if set g:use_copy_cut_paste_keys and not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CTRL-\ Comment/Uncomment block (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CTRL-D Show/Hide NERDTree or VimFiler (if plugin loaded and not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CTRL-F Show current file in NERDTree or VimFiler (if plugin loaded and not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
F2 Save file (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CTRL-F2 Save all files (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
SHIFT-F2 Save file as... (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
F3 Toggle paste mode (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
F4 Toggle readonly mode (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n v]
F5 Open the selected region in a new narrowed window (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
F6 Switch Quickfix open/close (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
SHIFT-F6 Switch Location list open/close (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
SHIFT-F7 Fuzzy file finder (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
F7 Ag search in files (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
F8 Search and Replace in current file (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
F9 Switch current folding open/close (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
SHIFT-F9 Switch all foldings open/close (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
F10 Quit without saving (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
SHIFT-F10 Quit with saving all files (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
ESC-ESC Quit and ask for save files or close current window/buffer (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n i v]
CMD-] Switch next tab (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n v]
CMD-[ Switch prev tab (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n v]
<Leader>] Switch next buffer (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n v]
<Leader>[ Switch prev buffer (if not set g:hardcore_mode) [n v]
<tilde><tilde> Run VimShell (if plugin loaded and not set g:hardcore_mode) [n v]
' Toggle single quotes to double quotes and backwards [n]
<Leader>? Show most plugin keybindings [n]
// No highlights search [n v]
\\ Comment/Uncomment current line or selection [n v]
<Leader>g Show/Hide TagBar (if plugin loaded) [n]
<Leader>zz Show/Hide UndoTree (if plugin loaded) [n]
<Leader>sz Fuzzy file finder (if plugin loaded) [n]
<Leader>gf Open file with filename under cursor, create new if not exists [n]
<Leader>gfw Open file in windows with filename under cursor, create new if not exists [n]
<Leader>gft Open file in tab with filename under cursor, create new if not exists [n]
<Leader>, or <Leader>o Open CtrlP (if plugin loaded) [n]
.. or <Leader>b Open CtrlP buffers (if plugin loaded) [n]
'' or CTRL-6 " Switch between the last two files [n]
;; Append semicolon at EOL [n]
;;<CR> Append semicolon at EOL and add new line below [n]
<Leader>hh Split window horizontaly [n]
<Leader>vv Split window verticaly [n]
<Leader>a Select all text in current buffer [n]
<Leader><Down> Insert new line after current line [n]
<Leader><Up> Insert new line before current line [n]
<Leader><CR> Toggle show Space/Tab/EOL [n]
<Leader>= Insert new line with '=' after current line with the same length [n]
<Leader>- Insert new line with '-' after current line with the same length [n]
<Leader>w Save current file [n]
<Leader>wa Save all files [n]
<Leader>w? Save file as... [n]
<Leader>wq Save current file and close it [n]
<Leader>x Save current file and close it [n]
<Leader>X Close current file and without saving [n]
<Leader>x! Save all files and close VIM [n]
<Leader>X! Close VIM without saving files [n]
<Leader>tb Switch all buffers to tabs [n]
<Leader>sb Switch all buffers to windows [n v]
<Leader>nd Show/Hide NERDTree (if plugin loaded) [n i v]
<Leader>nf Show current file in NERDTree (if plugin loaded) [n]
<Leader>. Go to last edit location [n]
<Leader>cd Set working directory to current opened file's directory [n]
<Leader>ee Opens an edit command with the path of the currently edited file filled in [n]
<Leader>te Opens a tab edit command with the path of the currently edited file filled in [n]
<Leader>qc Toggle Quickfix window [n]
<Leader>qo Open Quickfix window back up [n]
$ Surround a selection with ${JS interpolation} [v]
# Surround a word or selection with #{ruby interpolation} [n v]
" Surround a word or selection with "quotes" [n v]
' Surround a word or selection with 'single quotes' [n v]
( or ) Surround a word or selection with (parens) [n v]
[ or ] Surround a word or selection with [brackets] [n v]
{ or } Surround a word or selection with {braces} [n v]
<Leader>rw Overwrite word, replace a word with what's in the yank buffer [n v]
<Leader>sw Swaps word under cursor and next word in line [n v]
<Leader>db Delete blank lines [n v]
<Leader>l' Surround every line in the file or selected lines with ' [n v]
<Leader>l" Surround every line in the file or selected lines with " [n v]
<Leader>l( Surround every line in the file or selected lines with () [n v]
<Leader>l[ Surround every line in the file or selected lines with [] [n v]
<Leader>l{ Surround every line in the file or selected lines with {} [n v]
<Leader>ss Strip trailing whitespace [n v]
<Leader>sf Search word under cursor or selected word entire files in current directory (recursively) [n v]
<Leader>sr Search word under cursor and replace with user inputs [n v]
<Leader>s/ Search selected word or user input in whole project [n v]
<Leader>yw Yank word under cursor [n]
<Leader>yl Yank current line [n]
<Leader>ls Send current line to console (tmux by default) [n]
<Leader>ms Send current motion to console (tmux by default) [n]
<Leader>rs Send current selection to console (tmux by default) [v]
<Leader>gs git status [n]
<Leader>gd git diff [n]
<Leader>ga git add %currentfile% [n]
<Leader>gA git add all untracked files [n]
<Leader>g? git add user input files [n]
<Leader>gb git blame [n]
<Leader>ag Search in files, using ag [n]
<Leader>af Search file, using ag [n]
<Leader>ocf Open changed files (by git status) [n]
<Leader>orb Select Outer-Ruby-Block [n]
<Leader>t= Align assignments (don't count logic, like == or !=) [n v]
<Leader>t, Align on commas [n v]
<Leader>t<pipe> Align on vertical bars/pipes [n v]
<Leader>tsp Align on whitespace [n v]