
Password hashing service with Golang and gRPC

Primary LanguageGo



Run the vaultd service:

cd vault/cmd/vaultd
go run main.go

Hash a password:

With vaultcli:

cd ./cmd/vaultcli && go install

After that in the terminal:

vaultcli hash password

vaultcli validate password hash

With curl:

curl -XPOST -d'{"password":"MySecretPassword123"}' localhost:8080/hash

Validate passwords with hashes:

curl -XPOST -d'{"password":"MySecretPassword123","hash":"$2a$10$L/Riz9xbgTBDn7F6uLInq.9Tr67PvBCmxzrLgemitnRM53ht7LGpC"}' localhost:8080/validate

or if you get the password wrong:

curl -XPOST -d'{"password":"NOPE","hash":"$2a$10$L/Riz9xbgTBDn7F6uLInq.9Tr67PvBCmxzrLgemitnRM53ht7LGpC"}' localhost:8080/validate

Compiling protobuf

Install proto3 from source:

brew install autoconf automake libtool
git clone https://github.com/google/protobuf
./autogen.sh ; ./configure ; make ; make install

Update protoc Go bindings:

go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/{proto,protoc-gen-go}

See also https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/tree/master/examples

Compile the protobuf (from inside pb folder):

protoc vault.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:.