
Forecasting costs of new SSD memory drives based on historical quotes from design manufacturers

Primary LanguagePython

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Forecasting future Solid State Drive (SSD) NPI build costs ($) using historical quotes from Offshore Design/Device Manufacturers (ODM) to enable data-driven financial budget planning. Summary statistics such as mean or weighted mean are used to compute per unit build costs at a product code or program family level.


Cost forecasts are computed for a build unit using variables such as "BOM+MVA Cost" or "Subtotal=NRE+Qty*(BOM+MVA)" in the ODM quote files. Currently, the code supports mean and weighted mean as two options to forecast the variable at a program family, product code or build ID level. The default parameter values are pertaining to the Pegatron ODM in this example but the logic neatly follows for other ODMs such as PTI Taiwan. Refer to the gen_odm_forecast() function in the run.py and config.py to follow along.

Data Type Parameter Short Description Default Value
str read_file_path Path of ODM quote file null
list ignore_sheets Sheets in input without quote data to be skipped during processing ['Input', 'MainSheet']
boolean excel_output Generate output in Excel or not True
str write_file_path Path where forecast outputs are written null
str log_file_path Path where logged info is written "odm_quote_forecast/anchored_results/forecasting_log.log"
str site_name ODM name to assign to input 'PEGATRON'
list ww_range_allowed Range of WWs to filter builds [202241, 202253]
str ww_col Column name in ODM quote file with WWs 'Req WW (WW enterd)'
str build_status_allowed Statuses to filter builds ['ACTIVE', 'WIP', 'DONE']
str level Drill-down category to generate forecast in addition to program family and ODM site 'Product Code'
dict ft_method Column names to forecast and corresponding methods {'BOM+MVA Cost': ['mean', 'weighted mean'], 'Subtotal = NRE+Qty*(BOM+MVA)': ['mean']}
str weight_col Column name in ODM quote file with build quantities needed for weighted mean 'Build Qty'
str po_col Column name in ODM quote file with the build's PO number 'PO#'
str quote_tracking_col Column name in ODM quote file with the build's quote tracking number 'Quote Tracking #'


The testing capability helps ensure that the forecasting code is working as it should by comparing the results with those computed by hand. The default parameter values are pertaining to the Pegatron ODM in this example but the logic neatly follows for other ODMs such as PTI Taiwan. Refer to the test.py and config.py to follow along. The following parameters are in addition to the forecasting parameters outlined above.

Data Type Parameter Short Description Default Value
df ft_true Dataframe with manually computed forecasts null
df ft_test Dataframe computed using the code null
list cols Category and column to use for comparison ['Product Code', 'Forecast of: BOM+MVA Cost (mean)']