
To evaluate the speed of data grids rendering grouped data. I use the exact same data consisting of 500 rows of weatherforecasts, and then create a grouped grid for each Blazor component suite I can find.


  1. Initial time to data rendered
  2. Render performance when scrolling
  3. Initial time to group by a column
  4. Time to expand a group with a single row inside, when all other groups are already expanded


Library Virtualization Initial display Group Expand/Collapse Video Website
Blazor-ComponentOne Yes 5.5 seconds 2 seconds 0.5 seconds YouTube GrapeCity.com
Blazor-DevExpress No 11 seconds 2.5 seconds 12 seconds YouTube DevExpress.com
Blazor-DatalNet Yes 0.5 seconds instant instant YouTube DatalNet
Blazor-MudBlazor Yes 3.5 seconds instant 2.5 seconds YouTube MudBlazor.com
Blazor-Radzen Yes 7.5 seconds 6 seconds 3 seconds YouTube Radzen.com
Blazor-Syncfusion Yes 2 seconds 1.5 seconds instants YouTube Syncfusion.com
Blazor-Telerik No 6 seconds 10 seconds 6 seconds YsouTube Telerik.com