Angular 2 date picker - Angular2 reusable UI component
Simple Angular2 date picker. Online demo is here
To install this component to an external project, follow the procedure:
npm install mydatepicker --save
Add MyDatePickerModule import to your @NgModule like example below
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { MyTestApp } from './my-test-app'; import { MyDatePickerModule } from 'mydatepicker'; @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule, MyDatePickerModule ], declarations: [ MyTestApp ], bootstrap: [ MyTestApp ] }) export class MyTestAppModule {}
Use the following snippet inside your template:
<my-date-picker [options]="myDatePickerOptions" (dateChanged)="onDateChanged($event)"></my-date-picker>
Mandatory attributes:
- [options]="myDatePickerOptions"
- (dateChanged)="onDateChanged($event)"
Optional attributes:
- [selDate]="selectedDate" || [defaultMonth]="defaultMonth"
- [locale]="locale"
Example of the options data (not all properties listed):
myDatePickerOptions = { todayBtnTxt: 'Today', dateFormat: 'yyyy-mm-dd', firstDayOfWeek: 'mo', sunHighlight: true, height: '34px', width: '260px', inline: false, disableUntil: {year: 2016, month: 8, day: 10}, selectionTxtFontSize: '16px' };
- Example of the date changed callback:
onDateChanged(event:any) { console.log('onDateChanged(): ',, ' - formatted: ', event.formatted, ' - epoc timestamp: ', event.epoc); }
If you are using systemjs package loader add the following mydatepicker properties to the System.config:
(function (global) { System.config({ paths: { 'npm:': 'node_modules/' }, map: { // Other components are here... 'mydatepicker': 'npm:mydatepicker', }, packages: { // Other components are here... mydatepicker: { main: './index.js', defaultExtension: 'js' } } }); })(this);
Value of the options attribute is a javascript object. It can contain the following properties.
Option | Default | Description |
dayLabels | {su: 'Sun', mo: 'Mon', tu: 'Tue', we: 'Wed', th: 'Thu', fr: 'Fri', sa: 'Sat'} | Day labels visible on the selector. |
monthLabels | { 1: 'Jan', 2: 'Feb', 3: 'Mar', 4: 'Apr', 5: 'May', 6: 'Jun', 7: 'Jul', 8: 'Aug', 9: 'Sep', 10: 'Oct', 11: 'Nov', 12: 'Dec' } | Month labels visible on the selector. |
dateFormat | yyyy-mm-dd | Date format on selection area and callback. |
todayBtnTxt | Today | Today button text. |
firstDayOfWeek | mo | First day of week on calendar. One of the following: mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa, su |
sunHighlight | true | Sunday red colored on calendar. |
editableMonthAndYear | true | Is month and year labels editable or not. |
minYear | 1000 | Minimum allowed year in calendar. Cannot be less than 1000. |
maxYear | 9999 | Maximum allowed year in calendar. Cannot be more than 9999. |
disableUntil | no default value | Disable dates backward starting from the given date. For example: {year: 2016, month: 6, day: 26} |
disableSince | no default value | Disable dates forward starting from the given date. For example: {year: 2016, month: 7, day: 22} |
disableWeekends | false | Disable weekends (Saturday and Sunday). |
inline | false | Show mydatepicker in inline mode. |
height | 34px | mydatepicker height without selector. Can be used if inline = false. |
width | 100% | mydatepicker width. Can be used if inline = false. |
selectionTxtFontSize | 18px | Selection area font size. Can be used if inline = false. |
alignSelectorRight | false | Align selector right. Can be used if inline = false. |
indicateInvalidDate | true | If user typed date is not same format as dateFormat, show red background in the selection area. Can be used if inline = false. |
showDateFormatPlaceholder | false | Show value of dateFormat as placeholder in the selection area if it is empty. Can be used if inline = false. |
A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code can be provided as shorthand for several of the options listed above. Currently supported languages: en, fr, ja, fi and es. If the locale attribute is used it overrides dayLabels, monthLabels, dateFormat, todayBtnTxt, firstDayOfWeek and sunHighlight properties from the options.
- new locale data can be added to this file.
Provide the initially chosen date that will display both in the text input field and provide the default for the popped-up selector.
If selDate is not specified, when the datepicker is opened, it will ordinarily default to selecting the current date. If you would prefer a different year and month to be the default for a freshly chosen date picking operation, specify a [defaultMonth] in the same format as that for the datepicker options ( if not otherwise specified).
At first fork and clone this repo.
Install all dependencies:
- npm install
- npm install --global gulp-cli
Run sample application:
- Open a terminal and type npm start
- Open http://localhost:5000 to browser
Build dist folder (javascript version of the component):
- gulp all
Execute unit tests and coverage (output is generated to the test-output folder):
- npm test
Online demo is here
- Firefox (latest)
- Chromium (latest)
- Edge
- IE11
- License: MIT
- Author: kekeh