
This is a 5 question Pokemon quiz built with vanilla Javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a 5 question Pokemon quiz built with vanilla Javascript.

Upon loading, you will be presented with text explaining how the quiz works. At the bottom is a button which will wipe away this intro text and load the quiz itself.

The quiz lasts for 75 seconds and has 5 questions. Score is based on time remaining at the end of the quiz. Each wrong answer deducts 15 seconds from the timer/score

Each of the 5 question will have its answers buttons appear to the right of it. Answering each question hides those answers and shows the next set in cascading fashion.

At the end of the quiz, the user will be prompted to enter their initials and log their highscore to local storage.

There is also an option to view all the high scores and clear the table/local storage for the scores.