
Backend Server for Code Companion application

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Code Companion Server

Backend Server for Code Companion application built with NodeJS and Express.


  • NodeJS (>=14.0.0)
  • npm


To install, simply execute the following command at the root of the repository

npm i

Database setup

Create a .env file at the root of the repository, with your database credentials. 3 variables are required


Build and Run

There are various modes to run the server

For development purpose

npm run start:nodemon

For production

npm run start:prod

Build only

The output of the build will be under ./dist directory. Following command can be used to build the project.

npm run build


A web based code collaboration application that lets you create a code room, invite collaborators via a link and collaborate while coding in real time.

DO list

  • Optimize frontend
  • Display all names on the web page which belong to that roomId

Use Cases

  • Coding Interviews
  • Collaborative text editing/script writing
  • Discussing programming related topics


  1. Instantly create a code room without login
  2. Invite others to discuss coding related topics
  3. Code syntax highlight

System Design

DB Schema

interface IRoom {
    roomId: string,
    owner: string,
    dateCreated: Date,
    participants: string[],
    programmingLanguage: string

Sequence Diagram

User creating a code room


actor u as User
participant fe as Frontend
participant be as Backend + WS server
participant db as Database

u ->> fe: Enter name {name} 
u ->> fe: Click Create Room button
fe ->> be: GET /api/room/create {name}
be ->> db: Save { roomId, dateCreated, participants }
be -->> fe: Response { roomId }
fe ->> u: Redirect to Code Room page /{roomid}
Note right of fe: ON MOUNT: get room details
fe -->> be: GET room/{roomId}
be -->> db: Get room details
db -->> be: <room object>
be -->> fe: <room object>
Note left of fe: Render roomId, dateCreated, participants on Code Room page
fe ->> fe: Create a WebSocket Client {/roomid}


Guest entering a code room


actor u as Guest
participant fe as Frontend
participant be as Backend + WS server
participant db as Database

u ->> fe: Enter {roomid or room link}
u ->> fe: Click Join Room button
fe -->> be: GET room/{roomId}
alt room does not exist
    be -->> fe: room not found 404
    be -->> fe: <room object>
fe ->> u: Prompt guest name
u ->> fe: Enter {name}
u ->> fe: Click Join Room button
fe ->> u: Redirect to Code Room page /{roomid}
Note right of fe: ON MOUNT: get room details
fe -->> be: GET room/{roomId}
be -->> db: Get room details
db -->> be: <room object>
be -->> fe: <room object>
Note left of fe: Render roomId, dateCreated, participants on Code Room page
fe ->> fe: Create a WebSocket Client {/roomid}
