
JAXON Wordpress Plugin for legacy testing with phpJavaBridge and SaxonJ XSLT and XQuery processing

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Wordpress Jaxon Plugin ===
Contributors: Akosmedia
Author: Akos Blazsik
Author URI: http://akosmedia.com/
Plugin URI: http://akosmedia.com/wordpress/plugins/wpjx
Tags: wordpress, plugin, xajax
Requires at least: 
Tested up to: 4.7.1
License URI: 

Plugin using xajax v0.6 beta 1 (http://http://www.xajaxproject.org/).

== Description ==

Plugin using xajax v0.6 beta 1 (http://http://www.xajaxproject.org/) for
plugins and themes that wishes to use xajax framework.


== Installation ==

1. Upload folder to '/wp-content/plugins' directory.
2. Include wpx.server.php in "/wp-content/themes/.../functions.php" [ include_once(JAXON_BASE . '/wpjx.server.php'); ]
3. Activate the plugin through 'Plugins' menu in Wordpress

== Changelog ==

= 0.1 =

* initial beta release