I want to know how the django framework works. Due to this, i'm following this tutorial, to play around with this stuff.
I already have python, so i don't need to setup it. Only the virtualenv is necessary to be created, so i followed the tutorial, and created it with the following command:
python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/djangodev
I activated the environment with the following command:
source ~/.virtualenvs/djangodev/bin/activate
After the activation, the env name is visible in the terminal:
(djangodev) akosgarai@akos-szemetlada ~/Documents/prog/python $
Now i can use the python command insteead of python3. Also everything is ready to install the django:
python -m pip install Django
Finally let's check that the instalation was successful or not. I can try to get the version of the installed django:
python -m django --version
The output:
The installation was successful.
Now everything is ready to create a new django project. I have done it with this command:
django-admin startproject djangotutorial
And now the initial project is ready. I can start it with the following commands:
cd djangotutorial
python manage.py runserver
I can check it in the browser:
At this point, it would worth to make a commit, so that i have done it. Also some ignorable files and patterns were added to a gitignore file and it was committed also.
I am in the project directory (here is the manage.py), so i can run this command to create the polls
python manage.py startapp polls
Let's update (based on this doc) the polls/views.py
file, create the index route. The respose is static string. After this step, I have to create the polls/urls.py
file and add there the relevant codeblock. The last step is updating the djangotutorial/urls.py
file, to register the new path. The app is testable in the browser (
) after the server start command.
python manage.py runserver
In the meantime, i found that i have committed some .pyc
files. It's unnecessary, so i removed them with the following command: git rm --cached \*.pyc
and also the gitignore file was extended with them.
The implementation is based on this and this tutorials.
Switch to postgres user.
sudo su - postgres
Create the database.
createdb djangotutorial
Login to db with psql command.
Create a new user to the database.
CREATE USER djangotutorial WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'password-is-here';
And finally grant privileges to the user.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE djangotutorial TO djangotutorial;
Now we have the empty db. Let's get some content. In the project directory, we can migrate the database.
python manage.py migrate
This command returned with error. I have missing dependencies. (python psycopg2, and some apt-get stuff)
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
python -m pip install psycopg2
After it, the migrate command has to worked well.
python manage.py migrate
Now we can define some models in the polls/models.py
. Then we have to register the polls application to our djangotutorial/settings.py
file. The name of the application (PollsConfig) is coming from the polls/apps.py
. Now we can create db migration files fit the following command:
python manage.py makemigrations polls
And the actual migration with the migrate
python manage.py migrate
With the django shell (python manage.py shell
) i can define questions and choises. To make the models more readable in the shell, we can implement the __str__
functions. The was_published_recently
function is an example of a custom function. It returns some new questions, where the pub_date is in one day.
After creating an admin user (based on the documentation), i need to attach the polls app to the admin interface. I can do this with updating the polls/admin.py
We can create views to our application. The views needs to be attached to endpoints. We are able to display the data in django templates. To do this, we have to make a templates
directory in the application dir. We also have to make a polls
directory insite the newly created template dir. I can put the view templates here. We can rase 404 exceptions, and we can display error page if the content is missing (not found in the db). We can do this with shortcuts. We can handle the POST method in the view. According to the gossips, the generic view is a better stuff, to that it's time to refactor the application.
As i discovered, the djangotutorial
user can't create database. To solve this issue, the grants has been added to it. (postgres user, psql console: ALTER USER djangotutorial CREATEDB;
) As far as i see, the test writing is obvious.
It has to be added under the application directory, same level as template dir. (eg: polls/static/
) For example the css file supposed to be added to here: polls/static/polls/style.css
. We can load the static content from the html templates.