- Another Job application hiring platform.
- Sample project to learn a lot of new technologies that I am not able to use at work at the moment.
- The goal is to be able to learn the following: a) DDD b) Microservices c) Docker d) Hopefully, be better at UI.
- Vite - https://vitejs.dev/guide/
- ReactJS
- .net Core
- Entity Framework Core
- Docker
- Material UI
- Database
- My SQL running on Docker
- git
- VS 2022 Community
- Docker
inside the folder jobbareact-vite run the command
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
inside the folder jobbareact-vite
run npm install npm run dev
to run jobbaAPI
build and run each of the microservices
access the website here https://akosivic.github.io/Jobba/