- 1
[BUG] metrics are very slow due to number of subdomains
#227 opened by feld - 0
Scraping should return IO list
#257 opened by hauleth - 1
- 0
Timeouts flushing
#248 opened by pepicrft - 3
ecto_repo_init_status_info in umbrella apps
#208 opened by woylie - 1
Ecto metrics "source_unavailable"
#229 opened by tyhill3 - 1
[BUG] Ecto dashboard is using incorrect value field for pool_size and timeout panels
#222 opened by onimsha - 6
[BUG] Cached metrics makes us crazy
#234 opened by ViseLuca - 3
[BUG] Polling of metrics in custom plugins stops if an error is raised inside the mfa function for the metric
#236 opened by fedme - 1
[QUESTION] Adapt dashboards to multiple replicas
#239 opened by RobinFrcd - 0
- 0
[FEATURE] Bump to telemetry_metrics 1.0
#230 opened by aloukissas - 1
- 0
- 5
[BUG] Phoenix plugin: path is lost when router forwards to another router
#224 opened by leolaudouard - 1
- 3
Ecto plugin not reporting for all Ecto Repos
#180 opened by feld - 2
- 5
- 1
[BUG] Empty Grafana Dashboards
#212 opened by conradwt - 0
Confusion over `PromEx.Plug`, because docs maybe contradict in their explaining about it?
#215 opened by gaggle - 0
[FEATURE] Allow customizing dashboard UID
#214 opened by sourcehawk - 0
[FEATURE] Configurable HTTP Client
#209 opened by dennym - 2
Release for latest telemetry support
#164 opened by anthonator - 0
Grafana Agent - Flow mode support
#206 opened by jessedrelick - 5
- 1
[BUG] Oban metric [:prom_ex, :plugin, :oban, :queue, :length, :count] is not fetching queue states when length is 0
#202 opened by linqueta - 17
[BUG] Ecto dashboard not showing the repo name
#190 opened by pallix - 1
[FEATURE] Relax Dependencies Constraints
#196 opened by heywhy - 2
- 1
[FEATURE] support phoenix 1.7.0
#191 opened by glennr - 1
- 4
[BUG] Documentation for using Grafana Agent (Cloud)
#129 opened by sardaukar - 1
- 4
[BUG] Paths that depend on a subdomain don't get resolved correctly when wildcard routes are involved
#149 opened by begleynk - 0
[FEATURE] Global metric prefix override
#178 opened by clandry94 - 3
- 4
Log error messages
#173 opened by tyhill2 - 1
- 2
Permissions needed: folders:read
#172 opened by tyhill2 - 2
[FEATURE] Add a mix task to render the json for manual import into Grafana
#135 opened by nacengineer - 2
[BUG] Scrape failure logs with info/debug level
#154 opened by patmaddox - 1
[BUG] - prom_ex.dashboard.publish finch not loaded?
#127 opened by JowiM - 3
[BUG]: Metrics server continues to run on default port even as well as port defined
#146 opened by akramhussein - 2
[BUG] Ecto plugin assumes Repo configuration is defined in the same application
#138 opened by DaniruKun - 4
[FEATURE] Add Tesla Plugin
#132 opened by yordis - 0
[FEATURE] Make it clear that `metric_prefix` is a list of atoms, or handle more gracefully
#137 opened by DaniruKun - 0
Add a `` file
#136 opened by akoutmos - 3
Integration with Telemetry
#133 opened by lkananowicz - 1