
An N64 Twitch plays client, that takes input from twitch chats, feeds it as a keyboard input, and displays the keys being pressed. In C# WPF

Primary LanguageC#


An N64 Twitch plays client, that takes input from twitch chats, feeds it as a keyboard input, and displays the keys being pressed. In C# WPF

In the app.config:

    <add key="Username" value=""/>
    <add key="Password" value=""/>
    <add key="Server" value ="irc.twitch.tv"/>

Add your Twitch username and an oauth password, which you can get from https://twitchapps.com/tmi/

Run the program

  • Hit Connect button at the bottom left.
  • Type a Twitch Chat and click Join
  • Make sure your game is the active window
  • You can pause and continue the keyboard button presses with the Pause button

All Done, Enjoy!

Alt text

Configure your own keys:

In the MainWINdow.xaml.cs page

Go to the IrcClient_channel_MessageReceived method:

  • Change the if statement to change the Twitch chat input

  • edit the InputReader.SendInputChar to change the Keyboard button that is pressed

      if (e.Text.IndexOf("lol", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 || e.Text.Equals("a",StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                      _inputs.Insert(0,new Input() { Username = e.Source.Name, ButtonImage = Images.A});

Adding More images

Add your image in the images folder, making sure to set it as "Conent" and "Copy always" in the properties settings

Add a new public method for it:

    public static string A { get; private set; }

in the static constructor, set it to the image path:

 static Images()
        A = _getFullPath("a");

This will set the image "a.png" in the images folder to the public string that can be accessed when you call Images.A