
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/fastdroid-vnc

Primary LanguageC

VNC server for Android

fastdroid-vnc - a fast Android VNC server based on libvncserver.  

Started with original fbvncserver for the iPAQ and Zaurus.

Modified by Jim Huang <jserv.tw@gmail.com>
	- Simplified and sizing down
	- Performance tweaks

Modified by Steve Guo (letsgoustc)
 	- Added keyboard/pointer input

Modified by Danke Xie (danke.xie@gmail.com)
	- Added input device search to support different devices
	- Added kernel vnckbd driver to allow full-keyboard input on 12-key hw
	- Supports Android framebuffer double buffering
	- Performance boost and fix GCC warnings in libvncserver-0.9.7


Copy the directory fastdroid-vnc to any Android build directory, run
a build command from Android root
  $ make -j4 fastdroid-vnc

Push the binary to the device
  $ adb push system/bin/fastdroid-vnc /data/
Modify file permission and run
  $ adb shell
  # cd /data
  # chmod 777 fastdroid-vnc
  # ./fastdroid-vnc

To make a linux build, one can use the linux Makefile instead of the above
Android steps, and the Android makefile Android.mk.

Run make under the fastdroid-vnc directory
  $ make

The executable file fastdroid-vnc will be in the same directory.


This version of the VNC server can forward input events from the remote VNC viewer 
to Android framework (based on Steve Guo's work). The way it works is converting 
remote VNC inputs to Linux input events and send to the input devices /dev/input/event<N>. 

The input devices used are the keyboard and the touchscreen. Each input device has 
a specific <N> value. The server can automatically detect the <N> value based on the 
name string of the device. Upon execution, it enumerates the input devices under 
/device/input/event<N>, and select the device whose name matches the keywords in 
fbvncserver.c. For example, they keywords are

static const char *KBD_PATTERNS[] = {"VNC", "key", "qwerty", NULL};
static const char *TOUCH_PATTERNS[] = {"touch", "qwerty", NULL};

If an input device contains the strings in KBD_PATTERNS, it will be used to support
keyboard events. The same is true for the touchscreen device with the keyword
strings in TOUCH_PATTERNS. If more than one devices match, then the one matching the 
left-most pattern is used.

If a matching device is not found, then some default input devices will be used. The
user can also specify the keyboard and touchpad devices by the command line:
	-k <keyboard-device-path>
	-t <touchscreen-device-path>

To determine which input device is the keyboard/touchscreen, one may make use of the 
information in /proc/bus/input/devices.


This VNC server is based on libvncserver 0.9.7, but several optimizations
are made in the server to improve the response time to VNC clients, and 
reduced background activity when there is no active clients.

It also supports the double buffering mechanism used by Android. This can 
avoid frame misses found in previous Android framebuffer VNC servers.