
Python package to interpolate nonstationary geospatial fields from observation data using local Gaussian process models

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Quick Start

Run an example notebook in colab:

Open In Colab


can be found at: GPSat Documentation

Environment setup

from the top level directory, e.g. the one containing this file, create a virtual environment named venv

python -m venv venv

activate virtual environment with

source venv/bin/activate

It's recommend to use a recent version of python, e.g. >= 3.10

Install requirements with

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Inline Example

Simple example of running optimal interpolation, includes binning raw data, predicting at multiple locations using many local experts

python script: examples/inline_example.py notebook: notebooks/inline_example.ipynb

Read Raw Data and Store to HDF5

NOTE: Running python scripts must be done in the top directory of this repository

See (out of date): notebooks/read_raw_data_and_store.ipynb

or run

python -m GPSat.read_and_store <input_config.json>

If <input_config.json> not supplied an example config (configs/example_read_and_store_raw_data.json.json) will be used, paths will be changed to the package location. Will create data/example/ABC.h5

Bin Data

python -m GPSat.bin_data <input_config.json>

If <input_config.json> not supplied an example config (configs/example_bin_raw_data.json) will be used, paths will be changed to the package location. Requires data/example/ABC.h5 exists and will create data/example/ABC_binned.h5

see (currently out of date): notebooks/bin_raw_data.ipynb

(Optional) Plot Observations

It can be useful to visualise before processing it further. This can be done with

python -m examples.plot_observations <input_config.json>

If <input_config.json> not supplied an example config (configs/example_plot_observations.json) will be used, paths will be changed to the package location. Requires data/example/ABC.h5 exists.

Run Local Expert OI

python -m examples.local_expert_oi <input_config.json>

If <input_config.json> not supplied an example config will be used (configs/example_local_expert_oi.json.json). Requires data/example/ABC_binned.h5 exists and will create results/example/ABC_binned_example.h3

NOTE: to use a GPU with TensorFlow LD_LIBRARY_PATH may need to specified in Environment Variables. An example of such a path is /path/to/conda/envs/<env_name>/lib/

A work in progress plotting script is available (python -m examples.local_expert_plot_obs <input_config.json>) that will plot the expert locations and observations used in OI. The input_config is the same used for local_expert_oi.

Post-Process HyperParameters

Provide the results file to apply some post-processing of hyperparameters, e.g. smooth with a kernel

python -m GPSat.postprocessing <input_config.json>

if <input_config.json> not supplied an example config (example_postprocessing.json) will be used, which requires results/example/ABC_binned_example.h5 exists and the results will be written to the same file to table _SMOOTHED.

Post-processing (smoothing) hyperparameters will write a config to file that can be used to generate predictions using the newly smoothed hyperparameters via examples.local_expert_oi.

Generate Predictions using Post-Processed Hyper Parameters

Run local_expert_oi again this time using the configuration file generate from the post-processing step, e.g.:

python -m examples.local_expert_oi results/example/ABC_binned_example_SMOOTHED.json

The post-processing step can produce a configuration file of local_expert_oi that will load the smoothed hyper parameters, skip optimisation and make predictions

Plot Results

Plot heat map of values from results tables by specifying plot template(s) in a configuration file and utilising plot functions from plot_utils.py

python -m examples.plot_from_results <input_config.json>

If <input_config.json> not supplied an example config (example_plot_from_results.json). In order the for example script to work the predictions made using the smoothed hyper parameters must be present.


Review Observation Data

To generate plots of observations, and generate statistics run:

python -m examples.plot_observations <input_config.json>

if <input_config.json> not supplied an example config will be used. Requires data/example/ABC.h5

Generate Synthetic Data

using observation data with some ground truth, create synthetic (noisy) observations

python -m examples.sample_from_ground_truth <input_config.json>

if <input_config.json> not supplied an example config will be used. Requires data/example/ABC.h5 and data/MSS/CryosatMSS-arco-2yr-140821_with_geoid_h.csv exists.