
Container image packing `podman` and `buildah`. Red Hat development toos.

Primary LanguageShell

Docker-Cloud Build Status


Composes a development workspace with podman, buildah and Golang, with scripting around to make it easy to spin it up against a project directory. This container can also be used in .devcontainer.json for VScode remote development.


The following images are published out of this project:

  • otaviof/buildah-sh:latest: buildah;
  • otaviof/podman-sh:latest: buildah and podman;


Simply run podman-sh in a given directory:


And use --no-docker to disable Docker socket being shared with the container:

podman-sh --no-docker

It will start a shell in the base container, mounting current directory on containers /src. Additionally, the following local directories are mounted as well:

Mount Point Local Directory Description
~/.bash.d ~/.podman/bash.d Shell history, and settings
/var/lib/containers ~/.podman/storage Podman storage directory
/var/run/containers ~/.podman/runtime Podman runtime storage directory
/var/run/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock Optional, Docker socket


In order to build the container run:

make build

To install podman-sh in /usr/local/bin, run:

make install