Crypto Correlation Analysis App

Project Overview

The Crypto Correlation Analysis App is a tool designed to explore and visualize the relationships between cryptocurrency market dynamics (price, market cap) and external influences such as Twitter sentiment and Google Trends data. This project aims to provide insights into how public interest and sentiment are correlated with cryptocurrency market behaviors.


  • Data Collection: Automated scripts to collect data from various sources including cryptocurrency APIs, Twitter, and Google Trends.
  • Data Preprocessing: Tools to clean, normalize, and standardize the collected data, ensuring quality and consistency.
  • Correlation Analysis: Statistical analysis to uncover the relationships between market metrics and external factors.
  • Interactive Visualizations: Dynamic charts and graphs to visualize the analysis results.
  • User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive interface for users to interact with and explore the data and findings.


Describe the steps to install your project. For example:

git clone
cd crypto-correlation-analysis


Fork the Project: Start by forking the repo, and then clone it locally.

Create a Branch:

git checkout -b your-new-feature

Commit Changes:

git commit -m 'Add some feature'

Push to the Branch:

git push origin your-new-feature

Open a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.




Bakhouche Akram - @akram_bakh Project Link:

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